is there a direct replacement for clomid during pct? ive got nolva for the cycle but i would like to avoid the depression bs. and acne if possible?![]()
is there a direct replacement for clomid during pct? ive got nolva for the cycle but i would like to avoid the depression bs. and acne if possible?![]()
some people advocate nolvodex instead of clomid for HPTA recovery as it has less side effects.william llewellyn author of anabolics 2005 is one of them.
imho however i feel although nolvodex might indeed recover the hpta it will neither do it as quickly or effeciently as clomid.i recommend you read pheedno's sticky on this will answer all your questions.
although mood swings are not enjoyable i look on them as my pct working as they stem from fluctuations in hormone levels.use clomid before bed to try and avoid the mood swings as much as possible.
Last edited by toc67guru; 04-28-2005 at 12:13 PM.
The mood swings are just a part of the game. You have to just remind yourself that your body and brain chemistry are just working out the balance. Alot of it is all in your head. I try to focus on my PCT just the same as I would my cycle while I'm on. Keep positive while off and, look forward to going back on again. I do believe that clomid will bring faster recovery to the HPTH than nolva.
those sides arent from clomid its the hormone in balance, clomid and nolva are both SERMS but still act differently, imo, clomid is necessary, nolva wont bring your boys back
agreedOriginally Posted by dirtdawg
hi first time i have logged in for a while
few years ago people were saying it was ok to just run nolva only post cycle if u dont like the sides of the clomid also heard taking clomid often causes eye damage......
pct is very confusing
Clomid does can cause "some" eye damage. A great alternative is HCG. Nolvadex and HCG should be the way that people do PCT from now on. Clomid is becoming dated...
weird i heard u take hcg only if your balls get smaller...
getting confused just saw on another post nolva for pct will do fcuk all
bump ..
getting confused as i have been reading on that nolva without clomid is ok for pct![]()
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