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Thread: HCG confounds Einstein

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    HCG confounds Einstein


    After reading hundreds of threads and medical abstracts I have come to the conclusion that HCG is a.) hugely important to PCT and b.) hugely misunderstood/poorly understood.

    Would love to hear about actual experiences.

    Seems like Swale's protocol probably works as does the Dr JMW approach.

    My take:

    -Mid cycle "nut fluffer": 10K iu split into 5 shots, 2k iu every 4 days. keeps them viable.

    -approaching PCT "get them up to speed": either begin last week or week after last shot. M-W-F 1k iu for 3 weeks, 9k total. then into the clomid pct act.

    eagerly awaiting your experiences.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    i think 2000iu is too high to inject at once as it will aromatise to estrogen easily.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Behind Ur booty
    much of those two peoples opinions were poorly written and I dont think they did full research on the product HCG.

    I consider there opinions misinformation and many members are taking up there advice in bad consequences.

    HCG can not be used during PCT. Not along side clomid because HCG produces a fake or mimiced Lutrenizing Hormone and tricks the testes into production sending signals to the pituitary.

    On the other hand, clomid actually stimulate Lutrenizing Hormones for a real or proper restore unlike HCG.

    If you administer HCG during clomid treatment. HCG will cancel out clomids actions and you will suffer. HCG is temporary and should only be used on long cycle to fix testicular atrophy or shrunken nuts.

    Also, studies have shown that dosages at such high amounts like 2000units can cause a down regulation and feed back. This can be permanent and more damaging. Studies also show 250 or 500 to be more beneficial because over 500 wastes the product and is not utilized by the body. In other words, it is not metabolized and is just pissed away.

    I have seen users of HCG use it in the last two weeks of a cycle to restore testes and this helps boost PCT during clomid treatment. This seems to be a very suggestable use for HCG.

    Also, users administer it 2 times a week at 500units through out cycle up until PCT but never during PCT.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Keep in mind too that if you go the "nut fluffer" route you need to be taking Nolva with that high dose of HCG to counteract aromatization.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    If you are on Test E cycle only for 8 weeks.... at which point should you start taking nolva and at how much?

    What about HCG? Should that be used throughout the 8 week period in conjunction with nolva?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I ran it mid-cycle at week 8 of 16 at 500iu every 3 days. It took a solid 2 weeks to see growth and a full 3 weeks to what I believe was back to normal size.

    I will be running the same protocol weeks 15, 16, 17 and starting week 18 on clomid.

    Last edited by 511220; 05-12-2005 at 03:20 PM.

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