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Thread: Test Enth and clomid, HCG, Tomox

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Test Enth and clomid, HCG, Tomox

    Hi guys I just started my cycle of Enanthate I will be doing 300-350/week for about 10-12 weeks. My guy told me to take Clomid 2 weeks after my cycle and thats all I need. But on the other hand my brother-inlaw tells me to take HCG and Tomoxin or something like that as well. He said something about taking one of those during my cycle, then doing the Clomid after. He is sending me the HCG and tomox soon. The clomid I know comes after but why should I use the others and when do I use them? The brother-inlaw has used gear for years and he looks freakin amazing cut and huge so he knows what hes talking about but it doesnt hurt to look into it even more. Thought you guys would be good to ask aswell.

    Thanks for your help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    start hcg in the fourth week run it every four days 250 iu's, nolva start asap at 10 mgs ed and 20 in pct, that is tomaxofin, clomid starts 14 days after enth 100 mgs ed for 30 days along with nolva

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