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Thread: pct help

  1. #1

    Cool pct help

    started as nubu now i,m on my third cycle and this is were i,m at
    starting my cycle with 30mg.e d of d bol for the first 4 weeks including 500mg of cyponaite and 400 mg of deca every week.
    i have enough cyp and deca to last 10 weeks
    whats a good cpt

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    and deca and cyp the same day and start clomid 3 weeks later clomid 100 mgs ed, nolva 20 mgs ed, trib 6 g's ed, tongkat ali 2 g's ed

  3. #3
    cant make out the abreviations can you explain better por favor

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    read this firebird:-

    will explain pct.
    imo stop deca 1-2 weeks before ending test cyp.
    run the deca 8-9 weeks, test 10 weeks.
    preferabally inject deca and cypionate twice per week (250mg of test and 200mg of deca mixed together as 1 injection twice per week to give you your weekly total)

    clomid 100mg ed=clomiphene citrate 100mgs every day
    nolvo 20mg ed=nolvodex(tamoxifen)20mgs every day
    trib 6grams ed=tribulus herb ensure you use a trib supplement with a high % of specifically protodioscin saponins
    tongkat ali is also a herb that is said to increase free testosterone levels also called (Eurycoma longifolia) or longjack.

    i hope this helps!

  5. #5
    thanks toc67 guru

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    under your bed
    i agree with toc67 guru ! im starting my PCT in a couple of days and i will be taking clomid 100 mgs for a week then 50 mgs for 3 weeks and 10mg of nolva ED !

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