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Thread: Can I do PCT like this?

  1. #1

    Can I do PCT like this?

    After my last shot of test prop I wanted to do:

    clomid 100mg ED for 30 days
    but also throw in 500UI of HCG for the first 10 days of PCT

    is that enough HCG? should i do 500 UI EOD for the first 20 days maybe? I have 5000 UI of it and want to know how to use it properly I know everyone says to use it on cycle but I think it would be ok to use it during PCT as well

    what do you guys think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    you dont use HCG during clomid bro.......its used during end or throughout cycle

  3. #3
    I know your not supposed to but if its just helping increase my natural test levels (by I think 400-500% I read somewhere) then maybe I can use it to help me during PCT too?
    People I know at the gym dont even use clomid just tons of HCG at the end of the cycle, I know this is stupid but it works for them too.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by vestax
    I know your not supposed to but if its just helping increase my natural test levels (by I think 400-500% I read somewhere) then maybe I can use it to help me during PCT too?
    People I know at the gym dont even use clomid just tons of HCG at the end of the cycle, I know this is stupid but it works for them too.

    that is absolutely retarded......if they keep it up, their testicles will be ****ed up...if they're not already... HCG MIMICKS LH, when you really want to bring your NATURAL LH up. How can you do that when your body thinks your LH is fine with the HCG???

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    you could run hcg for 10 days starting 3 days after last prop shot to increase testicle volume making them more responsive to increases in LH brought about by clomid therapy.
    use 20 mg of nolvodex during the 10 days of hcg and through the 30 days of clomid.

    it is thought that testicular atrophy is what slows recovery increasing their size gets them primed for hpta recovery from clomid.

  6. #6
    thanks thats what i was looking for, 500UI for 10 days before I start clomid therapy or during? and is 500 UI enough?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    use the hcg for 10 days at 500iu/day along with 20 mg of nolvodex.
    then start clomid at 100mg/day for 30 days along with 20mg of nolvodex.

    you can use 300mg day 1 of clomid to frontload but when i done this i suffered a SEVERE headache so now i use it at 100mg/day for 1 month.

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