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Thread: Sustanon PCT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Sustanon PCT

    Cycle is: Turkish Sust250 Week 1-4 500mg week
    5-10 750mg week
    (kickstarted with 28 days M1T)

    This is what I have come up with for PCT through searching...

    Day 1-30 100mg Clomid
    Day 1-30 20mg Nolvadex
    Tribulus supplementation as well...

    Is that proper PCT??? Or should I start PCT off with higher doses of the drugs, and then taper the dosing down??? Looking to keep as many gains as possible and get my natty Test up quickly!!!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    no need to taper sus250 kind of pointless if you ask me not unless you have a logic behind it that you would care to elaborate with me I am all ears.

    PCT is fine if you ask me. There is no set in stone way and the way you have it laid out looks fine to me. You might want to run the nolva 7-10 days past the clomid and taper down to 10 mg.

    AlsoI dont see the point in the m1t kick start? I am really not that hip into pro-hormones but may be you could explain it to me. Is m1t a fast acting pro-hormone?

    I could see front loading you sus1000mg for 1 week then going straight into 750mg per week.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    The reason for the M1T was to have strength gains and weight gain from Day 1 of my cycle. M1T hits you right away, I put on about a pound of water every day for the first day and strength went through the roof. According to my theory with this cycle, by the time Im done with the M1T my strength/size gains should be coming into full effect from the Sustanon. Basically I used it instead of DBOL because I have a bunch of it laying around!!

    And I wasn't asking about tapering the dose of the Sust... I meant tapering the dose of the Nolva and Clomid. I thought maybe starting with higher doses for PCT and then slowly tapering them down would be more effective. Again, the high early dose would be to "kickstart" my natral test back into action, but im no PCT expert that's why i'm asking these questions.

    Thanks again.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Your tapering up your dose of the sus from 500 to 750mg?

    tapering the nolva i would and clomid can be done the same but clomid can be ran more ways then one. Clomid dosages and length is not written in stone. Tapering the nolva would be a good idea due to rebound effect of estrogen.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Alright sounds good...

    Good starting dose for Nolva? _____ mg
    Good starting dose for Clomid? _____ mg

    And yea you're right about the Sust, I did decide to increase the dosage for the second half of the cycle more to increase frequency of injection... but increased dose should provide extra gains as well. Splitting up amps is a real pain in the glute!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    pct look good to me as well. but like abstrack said dont tapper your dose of sus are any other steriod it will just lead to more side affect's

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Vick
    Alright sounds good...

    Good starting dose for Nolva? _____ mg
    Good starting dose for Clomid? _____ mg

    And yea you're right about the Sust, I did decide to increase the dosage for the second half of the cycle more to increase frequency of injection... but increased dose should provide extra gains as well. Splitting up amps is a real pain in the glute!!

    20mg nolva
    300mg clomid for 1-2 days

    I would rather run the sus at a consitent rate for a longer period if you ask me, rather then shorting my cycle just do do more juice for a few weeks. Longer cycles= more gains--considering everything else is right!
    You are right for the most part though on higher dosges, but it is a disputed debate amoungst some.

    I would ditch the sus or sell it and get a single ester if you ask me. If you could do that or up sell it and get some anadrol for the first 4 weeks that would even be better with a single ester. JMO...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Thanks for all the info...

    Maybe rather than upping the dose I will turn my 10 weeker into a 12 weeker I have already started my cycle so switching to a different ester isnt really an option anymore. Im also going to start splitting up amps and taking 0.66 cc every second day to try and keep my blood levels more stable.

    Thx for the dosing on the clomid and nolva as well!!

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