I need some advice or suggestions: To give you background, I am 30 years old, 6'01" 220lbs, 9% BF. I am currently taking 2.5 IU's of HGH, 5 days on/2 off...I finished 6 weeks ago with Test Enan 400mg/wk, Deca 400/wk. I started the HGH when I came off the test,deca. I also waited 1 week after the test/deca and used HCG and Teslac and Clomid for PCT. I finished PCT and do not feel right still. I am still in the gym but not as aggressive of course, I just had a blood test and my Leutenizing Hormone is at 0.0 still after HCG and Clomid. My Folicle Stimulating Hormone is 0.3 which is very low also. My Total Test is only 260 also. Am I screwed or what? I spoke with a Doc who told me to just continue to stay with the HGH and take more time off between cycles since I never did that much inthe past. I would often finish 16 weeks, do HCG and CLomid for a month and then start back on a new cycle. Did this screw me forever or can anyone offer advice that can help. I know what I did in the past was retarted by not taking enough time off between cycles, maybe someone can learn from my stupidity and not make the same mistake.
Thanks. JM