Question: Been cruising through countless hcg threads and have found many different, but valid reasons on when to bring this into the equation. I am convined there x20 ways to do it. Trying to find the best way to avoid a catabolic state at the end of a cycle. Question is do I bring hcg in during mid cycle to get the boyz up and running or wait towards the end? Any drawbacks from starting a little early? A few ideas I had:
Method #1 start WK 9 of 10 WK cycle 500iu/ED stop WK12
5 days later clomid PCT
Method #2 start WK 5-7 500iu/ED start; WK10-12 500iu/ED
5 days later clomid PCT
Method #3 start WK 5 500iu 4 days/WK until PCT (Too much for LH?)
5 days later clomid PCT
Have read there is a pretty forgiving window during this tx, but time is muscle.
Open to any suggestions/experiences.