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Thread: PCT Cycle need help Asap

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    canada Montreal

    PCT Cycle need help Asap

    This is my cycle i finaly got what i wanted but here is the fzcked up part,
    i'm 5'9 200 30yrs i am not shure what i should run for PCT cycle.
    i need LiquiDex in with my pct so i was thinking that if i ran.
    Letrozole….2.5 mg pill form but no sure.
    Nolva ..20 mg pill form
    Clomid.. 50mg pill form
    so how many do i take and when there so many diff types of Pct cyles to run so i thought i might ask i do want to run d-bol with my pct for a little extra gain.
    so what do you guys think.

    weeks 1- 6: 50mg Dbol x4
    weeks 1-14: 400mg test blend 2ccs
    weeks 1-13: 300mg eq 2ccs
    weeks 1-12: 100mg Tren Acet 2ccs HCG half shot
    weeks 13-18 D-bol 50mg/day
    weeks 13-18: 50mg winny depot 2ccs HGC other half of shot
    weeks:13-18: clen in 60mcg 3x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Firstly, you do not want to run d-bol with your pct, or any other steroid for that matter.

    Also, you have not stated whether or not you have began your cycle, and if so, what week your are in. So the advice i will give will be correct procedure through your cycle and pct for if you have not started.

    Firstly you should run 250-500iu hcg every four days throughout your cycle, but never into pct (note that hcg has an active life of 4-5 days, so administer hcg up until 4-5 days before the active life of the longest acting steroid you will be using). In your case this will be winstrol, which has an active life of 24 hours, so administer hcg up until 4-5 days before your last shot of winstrol.

    Also run arimidex (liquidex) at 0.5mg everyday throughout your cycle and pct. Do not use letrozole, as this prevents 100% of testosterone aromatizing into estrogen, and some estrogen is required for muscle building... it is too strong!

    Your pct will start 24 hours after your last injection of winstrol. Run clomid at 300mg on the first day, then 100mg everyday for 2 weeks, and finally 50mg everyday for 2 weeks. Also run nolvadex at 20mg everyday for 4 weeks.

    *The only time i would use letro is if gyno symptoms still occur after using both arimidex and nolvadex, as some report that it can reverse existing gyno.
    So if gyno symptoms occur mid cycle, you should stop the cycle, continue arimidex, and commence nolvadex at 20mg everyday until the symptoms reside. And then if that fails commence letro.

    Hope this helps, and just post for pct if you have already started your cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    canada Montreal
    but how many bottles u think i need of Liquidex because i have not started till i buy LiquiDex and can i use t3 and when do you think i should run clen.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Well you will need to buy three bottles, although you will have a lot left over. Remember that it is 1mg/1ml, so for 0.5mg everyday you will have to take 0.5ml evryday. Take this both throughout your cycle and pct.

    Also i have had no experience with taking clen, but i know due to its ant-catabolic properties people do use it for pct (im planning on doing so this time as well). So just take clen throughout your pct.

    Also so you can adapt your pct in the future, you may want to get your test levels checked now and then again at the end of your pct. That way if you have recovered fully by the end of your pct you know what works for you, but if you havent you may want to run liquidex and nolvadex a little longer next time (But not clomid as it has some side effects if run long term, nolvadex is fine tho).

    And yes you can use t3. Stacking this with clen will turn you into a fat burning machine!

    Remeber post cycle do not overtrain! So many people lose their gains because they continue to train as if they are still on steroids, and dont have enough rest. Just train on a three day split (no more than 45mins in the gym) with cardio in between, for example:

    Day 1: chest, shoulders and triceps.

    Day 2: 30mins cardio.

    Day 3: back, biceps and forearms.

    Day 4: 30mins cardio.

    Day 5: legs.

    Day 6: rest.

    Day 7: 30mins cardio.

    Good luck!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    canada Montreal
    thanks bro

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