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Thread: PCT overkill?

  1. #1

    PCT overkill?

    So am i over doing this, my goal it to keep as much gains as possable. I've done lots of reseach i'm just puttin it all together.

    clomid-300mgs day 1
    100mgs 10days
    50mgs 10days

    nolva-20mgs everyday

    clen- (i gotta see what i respond best to)

    trib-4gs a day

    creatine-10gs day

    any thoughts? <--- and whats with the 7up dot???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    Quote Originally Posted by ToTheBuckeT21
    So am i over doing this, my goal it to keep as much gains as possable. I've done lots of reseach i'm just puttin it all together.

    clomid-300mgs day 1
    100mgs 10days
    50mgs 10days

    nolva-20mgs everyday

    clen- (i gotta see what i respond best to)

    trib-4gs a day

    creatine-10gs day

    any thoughts? <--- and whats with the 7up dot???

    i would do PCT for 30 day's not 21

    what did your cycle look like

    and no that's not overkill

  3. #3
    1-4 dbol 40mgs
    1-12 test e 500mgs
    1-11 deca 400mgs

    alright so what do you think.... 300mgs clomid first day 100mgs for 15days then 50mgs for another 15?

  4. #4
    i'll be startin my cycle in about 3 weeks, I just wanna make sure i got everything i need before i start. I always have to laugh at those people who are like "I've been on test E for 10 weeks is 20 clomid pills enough and were do i get nolva" I always make sure i have everything before i start.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Well firstly, as your LH levels will return very quickly after a cycle, clomid and nolvadex combined will be more than enough, and i think tribulus will be uneccessary.

    Keeping the testes stimulated throughout your cycle will be the most important factor in an effective pct. So a dose of 250-500iu hcg evry 4 days will be enough. After all, if your testes become desensitized during your cycle, you can throw all the LH at it you want, but it will still take a while for them to kick back into producing testosterone.

    So run hcg as suggested above, and then for pct run clomid at 300mg first day, then 100mg everyday for two weeks, and finally 50mg everyday for two weeks; you could also run nolvadex at 20mg everyday for the same duration.

    Good luck!

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