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Thread: will clomid suffice?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    will clomid suffice?

    i'm running this cycle for sure (just need your help with PCT):


    1|500 mg/week|40-45 mg/day|-

    2|500 mg/week|40-45 mg/day|-

    3|500 mg/week|40-45 mg/day|-

    4|500 mg/week|40-45 mg/day|-

    5|500 mg/week| - | - |

    6|500 mg/week| - | - |

    7|500 mg/week| X | 20 mg/day?

    8|500 mg/week| X | 20 mg/day?

    9|500 mg/week| X | 20 mg/day?

    10|500 mg/week| X | 20 mg/day?

    11 X X X X

    12 X X X 40 mg/day

    13 X X X 40 mg/day

    14 X X X 40 mg/day

    15 X X X 40 mg/day

    my question is PCT in general for this cycle. being a fairly common cycle, i would hope there are some suggestions out there. a nolvadex/clomid combination was also suggested from weeks 9-11 and then just clomid @ 40 mg/day for 2 weeks (weeks 12 & 13) and then @ 20 mg/day for the final two weeks. what do you think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Hey Vein,
    Firstly, test enanthate and dianabol are very suppressive of your bodies own natural production of testosterone. And so to avoid testicular atrophy, keeping the LH receptors in the testes stimulated, i would run 250-500iu hcg every four days throughout your cycle up until one week after your last shot.
    Remember that you do not want to run hcg during pct, as this is when you want natural LH induced by serms (nolvadex and clomid) to take over.

    Then two weeks after your last shot, begin clomid at 300mg on the first day, then 100mg everyday for two weeks, and finally 50mg everyday for two weeks. And also nolvadex at 20mg everyday for the same duration.

    There is no need to run any serms throughout your cycle, and im not sure why this was suggested to you. But if it was to avoid estrogen related side affects, i would suggest that you rather run arimidex at 0.5mg everyday throughout your cycle (and pct).

    Hope this helps.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    helps a lot man. thank you. but let me ask you this: if test & dbol require hcg throughout the cycle, should i use deca also (for even greater gains) like this:


    1|500 mg/week|200-400 mg/week|40 mg/day|-

    2|500 mg/week|200-400 mg/week|40 mg/day|-

    3|500 mg/week|200-400 mg/week|40 mg/day|-

    4|500 mg/week|200-400 mg/week|40 mg/day|-

    5|500 mg/week|200-400 mg/week| - |-

    6|500 mg/week|200-400 mg/week| - |-

    7|500 mg/week|200-400 mg/week| X | 20 mg/day?

    8|500 mg/week|200-400 mg/week| X | 20 mg/day?

    9|500 mg/week|200-400 mg/week| X | 20 mg/day?

    10|500 mg/week|200-400 mg/week| X | 20 mg/day?

    11 X X X X

    12 X X X 40 mg/day

    13 X X X 40 mg/day

    14 X X X 40 mg/day

    15 X X X 40 mg/day

    i figure, shit, if i have to use hcg throughout the cycle anyway, why not throw in deca for great gains with side effects that will also be offset by use of hcg. from what i've read deca is a powerful substance, in that it provides great gains, but can also greatly reduce natural test production. so the mentality behind that set up is:

    "bridge" and speed up gains with dbol + deca, while i wait for test kick at estimated week 5. the high, but short, doses of dbol will provide great gains, so will deca throughout the cycle. then gains made by dbol will be solidified and kept by test and possibly deca. any deca gains will also be kept/solidified by test. as for protection, using hcg throughout will keep test levels fairly regular, so PCT won't be such a depressing and rebounding period as it sometimes can be. keeping my natural levels high throughout the cycle, how much muscle should i really even lose when into PCT and after the cycle? not much, if i figure that right...

    what do you think?

    (btw- help me with deca doses plz. something strong, but won't "keep me from cumming", which was posted in another thread in this very forum...)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Hey man, no prob.

    Deca is most effective at doses of 400-600mg per week, and when running deca remember to always run at least an equal amount of test, and to run the test for at least a week longer. Its always advisable to taper down towards the end of a cycle as well.

    Also as you will be using fairly hich doses of injectable steroids, i wouldnt suggest running orals at the recommended 50mg a day, especially with the effects they can have on your liver. And so i prefer to supplement with it at 25mg a few hours before each workout, and with lower doses you can run it for an 'extra kick' throughout your cycle.

    With all that in mind i suggest:


    Week 1-8: 500mg test enanthate, and 400mg deca.
    Week 9-10: 500mg test enanthate.

    *Through weeks 1-10 run hcg at 500iu every four days, and supplement with 25mg dianabol a few hours before each workout.


    Week 12-16: Clomid at 300mg first day, then 100mg everyday for two weeks, and finally 50mg everyday for two weeks, with nolvadex at 20mg everyday for the four weeks.

    *Also if you can get hold of arimidex, i would run this at 0.5mg everyday thoughout the cycle and pct.

    Good luck man!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    Just to add, only run the 25mg dianabol a few hours before each workout during the cycle (Weeks 1-10) and not during pct obviously.

    And also post cycle i would recommend to decrease your training a week to a three day split with plenty of rest, as not to overtrain.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    again, cant thank you enough for the advice! i will probably use your cycle now because it not only makes sense, but will probably (am i right..?) lead to more gains incorporating deca into the cycle. final 2 questions:

    1st- if i run the revised cycle i posted (with deca) can i just lower the dbol to say 30 mg ED (taken 2hrs before i workout, on workout days) for some fairly decent gains? the way you advise taking it like it was caffiene, a workout enhancer, just doesnt seem to do dbol it's justice.

    2nd- do i need both nolva AND clomid for pct, if i've used hcg through the entire cycle? seems to be a little overkill, but, you seem to know what you're talking about.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Richmond, Cali.(Bay Area)
    i would go ith the cycle i am using: test prop, eq, tren a, var, nolva, pct clomid 2 wks after final test pro shot. just a suggestion.

    Are you just trying to get lean and really vascular?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    not so much.. this is intended to be a bulk cycle. over the course of a year, i've really learned how to diet down and control/burn all my fat! i feel really confident with that! so i plan on running that cycle (maybe add clomid in, STILL debating ) and ordering a bottle or two of ECY stack to help when im all done shredding. anyway, question is: what the hell do i do for PCT if i run that cycle?? i'm 95% sure i'm running that too, btw, just need to tighten up the exact PCT schedule, which is hard to do without knowing what im gonna use!

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