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Thread: day 1, 300mg front load?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Los Angeles

    day 1, 300mg front load?

    Is the clomid front load of 300mg necessary? I've seen posted that it is, but Pheednos pct does show it is nec. I would rather not load my body with 300mg of this sh1t. input please.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    i dont think so. im runnin 100 day 1 thats it. at some point there has to be overkill. who says 300, why not 200 or 400? someone down the line established it at 300 and people followed suit. besides as with any drug, why put your body through all that at once anyhow? 100 is enuf for me, the side effects are bad enuf there. my 2c.

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