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Thread: All Set-up, check my PCT please...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    All Set-up, check my PCT please...

    -500mg Test E per week for 10 weeks
    -400mg Deca per week for 9 weeks
    -40mg Dbol everyday for 4 weeks

    -Nolva @ 40mg/day for first 2 weeks | @20mg/day for second 2 weeks
    -Clomid @ 200mg first DAY | @100mg everyday after for 4 weeks

    Total Bulk Cycle Length: 10 weeks
    Total PCT Cycle Length: 4 weeks
    Total Cycle: 14 weeks

    Is HCG needed at all during this cycle?? I personally would NOT like to bother with it, as it (may??) need to be refrigerated and I have nosey[I] room-mates. If needed to keep from being shut down, it's normally run during the cycle, but at what dosage/frequency?

    This is all I have left to find out! My cycle, nutrition and supplements are all set to go, I'm just waiting on a proper PCT schedule. Can anyone help me?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    a state of denial
    PCT looks great.

    If the HCG is extremly hard for you to have around, then don't worry about it. It helps with recovery from any cycle, but is less necessary, especially considering your cycle length.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Thanks a lot bro! As you can see I've been looking into/researching that cycle as well as possible PCT options, and that looked the best. I noticed a thread about how Nolva only worked fine for him, and the only concern anyone had was with blood work. To me, as this is not a very hardcore cycle, my blood isn't a huuge priority, but I will keep tabs on it. One last thing...

    As far as HCG goes, on a scale of 1 to 10 (10=most important) how important is it to run HCG at week 5? IF I end up getting it...

    I would run it @1000iu/week starting from week 5 and ending at week 10. Here's what I'd like to know: if I run it from wk 5-10, should I take a break (a week 11) without doing anything at all? THEN start PCT on week 12? Again, this is all IF AND ONLY IF I need HCG. These truly are the last few questions I have! I was actually planning on getting it all shipped Monday. Thank you all so much, and wish me luck in these upcoming months...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Anyone???? This is truly my last step before ordering. He said sounds good, but I'd like one or two more people to check before I green-light it...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    get HCG, its a 10 for getting the balls back so fast. Worth it IMHO.

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