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Thread: I dont believe the anti E-hype

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Question I dont believe the anti E-hype

    Am I Completely crazy to think that, when you take anti- E's, that the only reason you 'seem' to be 'hindering gains' is that you dont have the bloat, etc? Why else really would it hinder gains so much, other than not being bloated?...I Did a search on this and I couldnt really find any solid answers, so if theres a link explaining this, do share.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    in the land of no where
    well i searched about that 2 .. what i read was that the steroid dont take its full potential to work when there is no estrogen and also read that estrogen also pose some anabolic effect

    and thats why the un armotizable steroids are some how less effective

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by offensive behavior
    well i searched about that 2 .. what i read was that the steroid dont take its full potential to work when there is no estrogen and also read that estrogen also pose some anabolic effect

    and thats why the un armotizable steroids are some how less effective

    That is very un-true. First of all, even the stronger AI like arimidex and aromasin do not completly shut down estrogen conversion, only about 85%. You will, even with an AI, still produce a little estrodiol, enough to keep you within normal ranges. The reason people say it hinders gains is because they are dependant on the scale. They want to see their weight go up fast, even if it's water. If diet and training is go to go, then you will make wonderful gains even while using an AI. If you only knew the damage excess estrogen does within the body, you would never cycle without it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Im using .25 adex a day, is that enough for an andropen 500mg week cycle?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Nolvadex has the ability to lower IGF levels. This is why people are worried about running anti-e's and hindering thier gains. IMO the gains being hindered are minimal and not worth the sides from not using aan anti-e.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by anabolicbruce
    That is very un-true. First of all, even the stronger AI like arimidex and aromasin do not completly shut down estrogen conversion, only about 85%. You will, even with an AI, still produce a little estrodiol, enough to keep you within normal ranges. The reason people say it hinders gains is because they are dependant on the scale. They want to see their weight go up fast, even if it's water. If diet and training is go to go, then you will make wonderful gains even while using an AI. If you only knew the damage excess estrogen does within the body, you would never cycle without it.

    faslodex + nolvadex or evista are very near to 100 %
    but take estradiol blood test first.
    i can use test,but my estradiol levels,are low.
    dont need anti e´s

  7. #7
    sodium retention, should come from aldosterone.

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