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Thread: novaldex clomide hcg which to use? help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    novaldex clomide hcg which to use? help

    hi guys im new to the site, im about to start my first cycle in 3 years, took a few cycles of sustanon back then with no pct afterwards and lost all gains within a few months, mostly because i never done any research and really did nt know what i was doing, im a bit more educated on pct now but still need advice, im small 5ft 7inches about 10stone 6 pounds been back trainning only 3 months and still a little out off shape, i have 10ml 200mg pr/ml off test cyp( british dragon), and 20 shots off sust 250mg pakistan, 100 oxymetholone 50mg and 1000 5mg d-bol, not planning on taking it all off course but it was cheaper to buy in bulk so this is what i got. ive planned a 12 week cycle

    1 oxy a day for first 3 weeks
    400mg of test cyp for first 5 weeks
    500mg of sust for the last 5 weeks
    5off the 5mg dbols for last 2 weeks while wiating on the sustanon to go out off my system before pct treatment

    so i ask what should i take

    novaldex every day from the start or wait to see if i have problems and then take novaldex, and if so how much per day,
    hcg mid cycle ?
    clomide at the end ? and how much ? hcg at the end ? how long should i stay on the novaldex til the end off the cycle or longer ?

    any opinions would be helpful thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I would do your dball's first 4 weeks,5 a day is good but you can easily go for 6-8 no problem. I'd start the cyp at the beginning or maybe do one cyp and one sust for the whole cycle instead of switching from cyp to sust in the middle because they both take about the same time to kick in to full effect, but definatley start the dbol in the beginning, in the end you'll still have crazy strength from the other shit your taking for at least a month after. With the oxy though you could probably save the dbols all togethar, oxy I think can kill your liver real fast, I wouldn't do that shit, not for me. With the novaldex it's better to wait and see if you need it, I know guys who can do crazy amounts of test and they don't worry about it and they're ripped to shreds. the last cycle I just did I didn't need to use any, I'm saving it for pct. I'm just as confused about proper pct as you are though, pheeno's pct seems like he knows what to do but it's got too many techinical words I don't understand. it seems everybody has a different way of doing hcg too.
    Last edited by alltherage; 11-01-2005 at 10:15 AM. Reason: adding to post

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by alltherage
    I would do your dball's first 4 weeks,5 a day is good but you can easily go for 6-8 no problem. I'd start the cyp at the beginning or maybe do one cyp and one sust for the whole cycle instead of switching from cyp to sust in the middle because they both take about the same time to kick in to full effect, but definatley start the dbol in the beginning, in the end you'll still have crazy strength from the other shit your taking for at least a month after.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by xtralarg
    Forgot about the oxy's

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    ive already started with the oxy so too late now for the d bol but i only plan on taking 1 a day for the first 3 weeks so it should nt be too hard on the liver, got some milk thistle on saturday to help, ive read pile offs site with cycles saying that if u stay on 1 type off steroid too long that the receptors become imune thats why i was planning on 2 bursts off different types, but when i think about it now i might do what u say and do both together. ive took 400 mg of cyp first week 400mg last week maybe this week i will do 200 cyp and 250 sus and so on every week til the cyp runs out then up the sus till 500 for the last 2 weeks, i done a few cycles a few years ago and had no gyno problems but did take on a lot off water so i think i will hold out on the novaldex to see how i react, cheers for the advice

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by harry
    hi guys im new to the site, im about to start my first cycle in 3 years, took a few cycles of sustanon back then with no pct afterwards and lost all gains within a few months, mostly because i never done any research and really did nt know what i was doing, im a bit more educated on pct now but still need advice, im small 5ft 7inches about 10stone 6 pounds been back trainning only 3 months and still a little out off shape, i have 10ml 200mg pr/ml off test cyp( british dragon), and 20 shots off sust 250mg pakistan, 100 oxymetholone 50mg and 1000 5mg d-bol, not planning on taking it all off course but it was cheaper to buy in bulk so this is what i got. ive planned a 12 week cycle

    1 oxy a day for first 3 weeks
    400mg of test cyp for first 5 weeks
    500mg of sust for the last 5 weeks
    5off the 5mg dbols for last 2 weeks while wiating on the sustanon to go out off my system before pct treatment

    so i ask what should i take

    novaldex every day from the start or wait to see if i have problems and then take novaldex, and if so how much per day,
    hcg mid cycle ?
    clomide at the end ? and how much ? hcg at the end ? how long should i stay on the novaldex til the end off the cycle or longer ?

    any opinions would be helpful thanks
    I am going to be critical because this cycle is dangerous. Take your sust and dbol and put it under you bed for later. You mentioned you started oxy already at 50mg/day for 3 weeks that is ok, bump test cyp up to 500mg/wk and run for 10-12 weeks.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    well the thing is i already have the sus, 20 shots of it. i dont mind leaving out the d bol til later, if i do just cyp 500mg for 10 to 12 weeks, i will have to spend cash on getting 2 more 2000mg bottle s of cyp, even though i already have the sus, just wondering why u would steer me awy from the sus, and recomend i just take he cyp, i thought sus was a good base steorid for beginers stacked with cyp/entantate or deca. but either way pct is my main concern i dont want to loose all my gains after months off training and loads off cash spent on rods, ordered some novaldex its on its way butnot clomide yet im weighing up which would be the best and cheapest tablets from my other source or liquid form from the site sponsors here,

    its been 9 day since started the oxy and took the first 500mg shot off cyp and i can aleady feel and see the difference put an extra 5 k on my bench press today, probably just the oxy

    anyway cheers for your advice and any more advice on pct would be appreciated

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Good advice, now use it. Oxy is something I wouldn't use ever I don't think, it's good someone else told you about the dangers. Running d-bol with oxy I don't think makes sense because as far as I know it's pretty much the same as a 100mg d-bol. You'll definately get a wicked kick start which it's intended to do but check how long you'll run it, I know anavar I think you shouldn't go longer than 3 weeks. I really don't see the problem though doing one sust and one cyp a week, or else using the sust first then switching to cyp because cyp is pretty much the same as enathenate which is in sust to begin with. But it's always the best I think to pick a long acting test and combine it with prop, and that kicks the shit out of any sust I think..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    im only going to run the oxy for the first 3 weeks then stop, any longer can be hazardous to the liver, was thinkin off running the d bol after the last on week 10 jab til the beggining of pct, because i dont want to loose any gains in these 18 days will waiting for the cyp and sus clearing out off my body, but after reading around here i think i will get some prop and jab every 2 days in the remaining 14 days til pct, this will keep me on the juice right up till beginning off pct since prop goes out off the system very quickly i can begin pct almost imediatley.

    week 1 and 2 are already done so to late to change now.
    week 3 begins on sun with 200mg cyp.
    so heres how i plan it now,

    week 1 sunday 400mg cyp 1 oxy 50mg e/day
    week 2 sunday 200mg cyp wed 250mg sus 1 oxy 50mg e/day
    week 3 sunday 200mg cyp wed 250mg sus 1 oxy 50mg e/day
    week 4 sunday 200mg cyp wed 250mg sus
    week 5 sunday 200mg cyp wed 250mg sus
    week 6 sunday 200mg cyp wed 250mg sus
    week 7 sunday 200mg cyp wed 250mg sus
    week 8 sunday 200mg cyp wed 250mg sus
    week 9 sunday 200mg cyp wed 250mg sus
    week 10 sunday 500 sus
    week 11 sun/tue/ thurs/sat test prop
    week 12 mon/wed/fri/sun test prop
    week 13 on wed start pct

    does this look better on wed off week 13 the sus and cyp and prop should all be out off my body at around the same time so i can begin pct

    week 13 wed 200mg glomide + 20mg novaldex
    thurs 100mg glomide + 20mg novaldex
    fri 50mgs glomide + 20mg novaldex

    and continue with 50mgs glomide + 20 mg novaldex for every day for 3 weeks

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by harry
    im only going to run the oxy for the first 3 weeks then stop, any longer can be hazardous to the liver, was thinkin off running the d bol after the last on week 10 jab til the beggining of pct, because i dont want to loose any gains in these 18 days will waiting for the cyp and sus clearing out off my body, but after reading around here i think i will get some prop and jab every 2 days in the remaining 14 days til pct, this will keep me on the juice right up till beginning off pct since prop goes out off the system very quickly i can begin pct almost imediatley.

    week 1 and 2 are already done so to late to change now.
    week 3 begins on sun with 200mg cyp.
    so heres how i plan it now,

    week 1 sunday 400mg cyp 1 oxy 50mg e/day
    week 2 sunday 200mg cyp wed 250mg sus 1 oxy 50mg e/day
    week 3 sunday 200mg cyp wed 250mg sus 1 oxy 50mg e/day
    week 4 sunday 200mg cyp wed 250mg sus
    week 5 sunday 200mg cyp wed 250mg sus
    week 6 sunday 200mg cyp wed 250mg sus
    week 7 sunday 200mg cyp wed 250mg sus
    week 8 sunday 200mg cyp wed 250mg sus
    week 9 sunday 200mg cyp wed 250mg sus
    week 10 sunday 500 sus
    week 11 sun/tue/ thurs/sat test prop
    week 12 mon/wed/fri/sun test prop
    week 13 on wed start pct

    does this look better on wed off week 13 the sus and cyp and prop should all be out off my body at around the same time so i can begin pct

    week 13 wed 200mg glomide + 20mg novaldex
    thurs 100mg glomide + 20mg novaldex
    fri 50mgs glomide + 20mg novaldex

    and continue with 50mgs glomide + 20 mg novaldex for every day for 3 weeks
    I think you are thinking while you are waiting for test cyp to clear out you are going to be losing gains so you should add something like prop or dbol in. It doesn't work like that. The reason you are waiting in the first place is because you are still full of the test. If you think about why you wait and what is happening you will quickly realize what you are doing is quite foolish. I don't like this cycle at all either.
    Last edited by powerliftmike; 11-03-2005 at 09:01 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Power lifter mike gave you some good advice, that's what I was telling you about when your going to have crazy strength for a good month after your last injection. If I were you I would do 2 sust a week for ten weeks, save the cypiontate for another cycle with the dbol. Or you could start the cyp and do 200mg a week for ten weeks along with the sust, but seriously if you do too much test your going to feel lethargic and feel like puking alot. I was doing 750 a week of enathenate my last cycle a week and I'd catch myself breathing really intensely when I wasn't working out, and my heart would be pumping and I think I would have had better results with 500 a week. With the juice starting to lose effectivenes after a few weeks is why it's good to add deca or epuipose or tren in your 2nd or 3rd week, because they have a way more anabolic effect, test is androgenic. If you choose to just do the sust, that's what i'd do, do them twice a week rather than one 500mg shot because you'll get more of an effect from the prop in it then.

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