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hi guys im new to the site, im about to start my first cycle in 3 years, took a few cycles of sustanon back then with no pct afterwards and lost all gains within a few months, mostly because i never done any research and really did nt know what i was doing, im a bit more educated on pct now but still need advice, im small 5ft 7inches about 10stone 6 pounds been back trainning only 3 months and still a little out off shape, i have 10ml 200mg pr/ml off test cyp( british dragon), and 20 shots off sust 250mg pakistan, 100 oxymetholone 50mg and 1000 5mg d-bol, not planning on taking it all off course but it was cheaper to buy in bulk so this is what i got. ive planned a 12 week cycle
1 oxy a day for first 3 weeks
400mg of test cyp for first 5 weeks
500mg of sust for the last 5 weeks
5off the 5mg dbols for last 2 weeks while wiating on the sustanon to go out off my system before pct treatment
so i ask what should i take
novaldex every day from the start or wait to see if i have problems and then take novaldex, and if so how much per day,
hcg mid cycle ?
clomide at the end ? and how much ? hcg at the end ? how long should i stay on the novaldex til the end off the cycle or longer ?
any opinions would be helpful thanks