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Thread: Determining...WHEN TO STOP????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Determining...WHEN TO STOP????

    I noticed many are doing long cycles followed by long cycles of PCT. However, my question relates to NECESSITIY?

    Is it necessary to do PCT for 4-6 wks (sometimes longer i read)?

    When do you know if your natural test levels are back to a normal range?


  2. #2
    Running at clomid 100mg ED and nolva at 20mg ED is what I used as my last PCT. Just run the PCT until you have recovered. For most this is at least 4 weeks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    thnks...but that doesn't answer the question....

    How do u know when u recovered?
    Is it a feeling?
    Does your sex drive wane and then come back like a 3 balled alley cat?

    What exactly are you looking for in PCT?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by tcw
    thnks...but that doesn't answer the question....

    How do u know when u recovered?
    Is it a feeling?
    Does your sex drive wane and then come back like a 3 balled alley cat?

    What exactly are you looking for in PCT?

    you will suffer from testicular atrophy, and need to follow pct guidelines until that surpasses. You have to base a majority of it on how you feel and whether your sex drive has gone back to it's initial state. 21 days is a typical pct for full or close to full recovery.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Justin Sane
    you will suffer from testicular atrophy, and need to follow pct guidelines until that surpasses. You have to base a majority of it on how you feel and whether your sex drive has gone back to it's initial state. 21 days is a typical pct for full or close to full recovery.

    I guess it would also depend also...on how long your cycle was.

    thanks for the input!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by tcw
    I guess it would also depend also...on how long your cycle was.

    thanks for the input!
    true, it does depend... but, the smallest amount of an androgenic could shut you down... longer doses will shut you down harder, but I usually recommend the 21 day pct for any cycle under 12 weeks.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by tcw
    thnks...but that doesn't answer the question....

    How do u know when u recovered?
    Is it a feeling?
    Does your sex drive wane and then come back like a 3 balled alley cat?

    What exactly are you looking for in PCT?

    While there are symptoms of low androgen levels, like decreased libido, decline in physical energy, loss of strength and muscle mass, decreased sexual performance, increased bodyfat and low bone density - the only sure fire way to know when you are back up is to get some blood work done.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by tcw
    What exactly are you looking for in PCT?

    Get your system's endogenous androgen production back to full speed as fast as possible after stopping exogenous use of AAS...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    thks Dudes....

    i just had some blood draw this mourning. I wanna see where my nat.test level is before i start my first cycle. I'm trying to do it right....because i've heard that the 1rst the best one.

    From reading...i came to the conclusion that the SIZE of Your a good indication of Recovery and Juice was stated....Blood work...apparently is the only true indicator.... takes time to get your blood work results...and by the time your results could possibly over the PCT...

    thnks again.....
    Last edited by tcw; 11-25-2005 at 09:08 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Size of your nutz can be an indicator but not everyone experiences testicular atrophy... IMO, state-of-mind is probably your best everyday indicator...

    I can get blood results in an hour - not sure why your lab is taking so long... but you are doing the right thing nonetheless... you'll have a better understanding of your natural endocrineology this way - an accurate gauge for PCT recovery.

    You should also get a fertility test (sperm count) done after you are more than 6 weeks into your cycle and join my Fertility and AAS thread!

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