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Thread: Dumb question

  1. #1

    Dumb question

    Well i was stupid and didnt do any reasearch and I did one 6 and 9 week cycle of 1-AD 9 months ago. Should I have done some type of PCT. I did take Ergopharm 6 OXO for a few weeks right after the cycle. But since i took that shit i think it lowerd my sex drive and hasnt full come back. Should i take something now before i start a cycle of test and d-bol?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    South West. England
    Get your test levels checked before you start another cycle. I had the same problem a while ago and my sex drive was zero. I couldnt raise a smile let alone anything else. Get hold of some clomid and take 100mg a day for at least 30 days and run it with nolva. If youve got a problem in the bedroom get cialis. This'll give you the boost you need. Then get byour test levels checked. If they are normal then cycle away but dont forget the pct!!!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New England
    I was told once that "the dumbest question is the one not asked" or something to that effect so i'm relaying that same thing to you right is better to ask i agree get your test levels checked and you could run a PCT right now which couldnt hurt but id assume your levels would have normally come back...obviously they arent if you dont have a sex could jump into a cycle or do pct...either should bring you test levels back up but MAKE SURE YOU HAVE PCT LINED UP BEFORE THE CYCLE

    best of luck to you

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I'm glad this was brought up. I'm glad I do not have to waste a thread since it's being covered here.

    My Question:

    I started my PCT after running Novice Cycle #1 (dbol - 4weeks & test e 500mg/week). Well I'm on my second week of PCT (Clomid & Nolva) but I seem to be having a sex drive issue too.

    I'm assuming it's because my body wasn't making it's own test and is now working to get it going again?!? Details: I can get hard for a bit (not as strongly as I used to) but when having sex it just withers away after a little while.

    Anyone have the same issue and just think that the test levels will come back and I'll be alright? Any response would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks AR!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by realmxofxnoise
    I'm glad this was brought up. I'm glad I do not have to waste a thread since it's being covered here.

    My Question:

    I started my PCT after running Novice Cycle #1 (dbol - 4weeks & test e 500mg/week). Well I'm on my second week of PCT (Clomid & Nolva) but I seem to be having a sex drive issue too.

    I'm assuming it's because my body wasn't making it's own test and is now working to get it going again?!? Details: I can get hard for a bit (not as strongly as I used to) but when having sex it just withers away after a little while.

    Anyone have the same issue and just think that the test levels will come back and I'll be alright? Any response would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks AR!
    No such thing as a wasted thread... one should always start one's own thread

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ROBOCOP
    Get your test levels checked before you start another cycle. I had the same problem a while ago and my sex drive was zero. I couldnt raise a smile let alone anything else. Get hold of some clomid and take 100mg a day for at least 30 days and run it with nolva. If youve got a problem in the bedroom get cialis. This'll give you the boost you need. Then get byour test levels checked. If they are normal then cycle away but dont forget the pct!!!!!
    I think this is good advice

    My advice tho.. would be:

    1. Get your Test levels checked. When you get your test.. as them to check: Total Test; Free Test; LH and FSH levels

    2. If you find your levels are low.. or that you levels are within the normal range but shbg is high (i.e. free test is low)... run an extended PCT (6-8 weeks) The compounds i'd advise would be HCG + Nolvadex + Aromasin (as opposed to the standard Nolva + Clomid.. )

    That should do it

    Good luck


    Good luck

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by realmxofxnoise
    I'm glad this was brought up. I'm glad I do not have to waste a thread since it's being covered here.

    My Question:

    I started my PCT after running Novice Cycle #1 (dbol - 4weeks & test e 500mg/week). Well I'm on my second week of PCT (Clomid & Nolva) but I seem to be having a sex drive issue too.

    I'm assuming it's because my body wasn't making it's own test and is now working to get it going again?!? Details: I can get hard for a bit (not as strongly as I used to) but when having sex it just withers away after a little while.

    Anyone have the same issue and just think that the test levels will come back and I'll be alright? Any response would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks AR!
    erectile problems are expected during PCT...

    to combat this.. some guys add Proviron to their PCT.

    Or.. an AI like Aromasin.. plus a smooth-tissue vasodilator like Viagra.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    erectile problems are expected during PCT...

    to combat this.. some guys add Proviron to their PCT.

    Or.. an AI like Aromasin.. plus a smooth-tissue vasodilator like Viagra.
    Thanks so much for the advice. I'll just go ahead and extend my PCT to be on the safe side (it can't hurt right?) Maybe I'll pop a few Viagra too! I can get those whenever I want from doctors I work for. Free samples, etc.

    Do you have a dosage reccomendation for the Viagra?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by realmxofxnoise
    Thanks so much for the advice. I'll just go ahead and extend my PCT to be on the safe side (it can't hurt right?) Maybe I'll pop a few Viagra too! I can get those whenever I want from doctors I work for. Free samples, etc.

    Do you have a dosage reccomendation for the Viagra?
    First up.. decide what you're gonna do:

    i.e. whether you'llbe going the AI or proviron route

    It is possible you won't need viagra if you're on an AI... Viagra'll be a 'just-in-case' measure...

    If you decide on proviron.. then viagra is definately out of the question.

    The two used together can precipitate prolonged erections (priaprisms) which can be both painful, and damaging to the penis.

    If you choose to go the (AI+) Viagra route, start at the lowest possible dosage for Viagra.

    In his book "Back to Great Sex", Ridwan Shabsigh M.D. suggests 50 mg..unless you're over 65 years old, suffer from severe liver and kidney disease or happen to be taking medications such as: cimetidine, erythromycin, ketoconazole, or protease inhibitors. If any of these conditions apply to you, the safe dose to start at would be 25 mg.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2004
    bump.. just checking to see how your recovery went


  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    First up.. decide what you're gonna do:

    i.e. whether you'llbe going the AI or proviron route

    It is possible you won't need viagra if you're on an AI... Viagra'll be a 'just-in-case' measure...

    If you decide on proviron.. then viagra is definately out of the question.

    The two used together can precipitate prolonged erections (priaprisms) which can be both painful, and damaging to the penis.

    If you choose to go the (AI+) Viagra route, start at the lowest possible dosage for Viagra.

    In his book "Back to Great Sex", Ridwan Shabsigh M.D. suggests 50 mg..unless you're over 65 years old, suffer from severe liver and kidney disease or happen to be taking medications such as: cimetidine, erythromycin, ketoconazole, or protease inhibitors. If any of these conditions apply to you, the safe dose to start at would be 25 mg.


    Of course I'll post my experience. First of all, let me start by saying thank you so much for everything you helped with. I look forward to many more pickings of your brain. You really did help!!

    I suppose I should begin with my cycle experience. I did a novice cycle of Test E 500/wk and D-Bol 30mg ED for first 4 weeks. The cycle yielded great results! Strength gains and recovery time were off the charts. Just when I thought I was getting tired in the gym after a chest workout of 8 exercises and 4 sets eash exercise, I could keep going. So I was pleased with the results, and I put on about 18 pounds. Of course now I am cutting.

    PCT - I did everything accurate but of course I had a couple side effects. I was on Nolva & Clomid for my PCT. As others have said, I definitely had some mood swings because of the Clomid and also a few vision slurs if you will. Nothing too major with the vision.

    The biggest side effect that hit home with me and I think any sexually active male would be the decrease in sex drive and inability to get an erection or keep one for a period of time. When you're getting head and can't even get hard from that, it tends to make you depressed.


    I extended my PCT until I ran out of Clomid and Nolva. I also got some free samples of Viagra from a doctor I work for. They were 50mg tabs. The first night I used one, it worked beautifully. It seemed after only using Viagra two, three times I was back to working on my own. I'm fully recovered now, and loving life. Hopefully it wasn't the pleasure of being able to perfom again but I proposed to my girlfriend exactly 1 week ago, so we're engaged, ha!

    Things are good, and I can now have sex with my new fiance without falling short. Well who knows - I could still be falling short in her eyes, ha!

    Thanks again Nark, and I hope all is well. Hopefully my experience will help anyone else that may be experiencing the same problem.


    - noise

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