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First up.. decide what you're gonna do:
i.e. whether you'llbe going the AI or proviron route
It is possible you won't need viagra if you're on an AI... Viagra'll be a 'just-in-case' measure...
If you decide on proviron.. then viagra is definately out of the question.
The two used together can precipitate prolonged erections (priaprisms) which can be both painful, and damaging to the penis.
If you choose to go the (AI+) Viagra route, start at the lowest possible dosage for Viagra.
In his book "Back to Great Sex", Ridwan Shabsigh M.D. suggests 50 mg..unless you're over 65 years old, suffer from severe liver and kidney disease or happen to be taking medications such as: cimetidine, erythromycin, ketoconazole, or protease inhibitors. If any of these conditions apply to you, the safe dose to start at would be 25 mg.