Thread: to use or not to use
01-06-2006, 11:04 AM #1
to use or not to use
I will be running test e, deca , and winny for my next cycle, I was wondering if clomid is a must, in the past its made me break out bad, I will be taking nolva through out the entire cycle at 10 mgs/ed and 20 mgs/ed in pct. If I run the clomid it will be 100 mgs/ed for 1st week and 50 mgs/ed after that for 2-3 weeks. Also do I need to run the nolva when taking the winny, I've heard do and dont or should I just run it for the time Im not using winny which would be weeks 1-8....any suggestions would be much appreciated.
01-06-2006, 02:03 PM #2
If you can handle the emotional side of things then i would take clomid during pct. I havent had a breakout from clomid as yet but thats not to say i wont in the future. Use nolva @ 10mg every day if you want to but i tend to wait till my nipples feel itchy and swollen, then drop a 20mg tab for that day and poss the next until the itchy feeling subsides. If you dont want to run clomid post cycle then take 60mg nolva and between 0.25 and 0.50 mg of arimidex all for at least 30 days. What dosage are you using of test e and deca ?
01-06-2006, 08:57 PM #3
500 mgs/wk of test e and 300 mgs/wk of deca ......I'm also gonna run letro during the entire thing at .5 ed, how does that sound, I'll save the nolva for pct and if the itching does all that sound
01-06-2006, 09:18 PM #4
You will not need nolva in the cycle if you're using letro...... you should add 200mg of vitamin B6.
01-07-2006, 12:14 AM #5
already got the b-6, thanks tho mudman, I'll save the nolva for pct along with the clomid, thanks for the help, later
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