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Thread: Need PCT advice | Running Sus Alone 12wks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in the gym

    Need PCT advice | Running Sus Alone 12wks

    8% bf
    300+ grams protein
    250+ carbs
    3500+ calories per/day

    I will be running Sus 500mg bi weeky (2 shots 250 a week) for 12 weeks. I think I am going to take Nolva throughout entire cycle (20mg tabs per day).
    At the end of my cycle should I increase to 40's? and start taking 3 weeks after my last shot since that's the norm on this board for sus? Should I take anything else.

    **** Very important ?: Will takiing Nolva throughout the cycle prevent my boyz from shrinking? I'm trying to avoid that if possible.

    Thanks fellaz,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in the gym

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by axemurderer187
    8% bf
    300+ grams protein
    250+ carbs
    3500+ calories per/day

    I will be running Sus 500mg bi weeky (2 shots 250 a week) for 12 weeks. I think I am going to take Nolva throughout entire cycle (20mg tabs per day).
    At the end of my cycle should I increase to 40's? and start taking 3 weeks after my last shot since that's the norm on this board for sus? Should I take anything else.

    **** Very important ?: Will takiing Nolva throughout the cycle prevent my boyz from shrinking? I'm trying to avoid that if possible.

    Thanks fellaz,

    You could run the nolva at 40mg ED for 4 weeks. If you feel like you are recovering your natural test levels very quickly, during PCT, you could drop the nolva down to 20mg ED for the last two weeks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by Papi93
    You could run the nolva at 40mg ED for 4 weeks. If you feel like you are recovering your natural test levels very quickly, during PCT, you could drop the nolva down to 20mg ED for the last two weeks.
    how can u tell if you natti test levels are coming back? This will be my first cycle.

    Also, would you agree to kick up the Nolva at week 3 after my last injection to 40mgs?

    Thanks bro

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by axemurderer187
    how can u tell if you natti test levels are coming back? This will be my first cycle.

    Also, would you agree to kick up the Nolva at week 3 after my last injection to 40mgs?

    Thanks bro
    Blood work is the gold standard.

    I would increase to 40mgs.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in the gym
    right on, thanks

    not to sound stupid, but what do I ask the doc when I make the appt. Do I just ask for blood work to see if my test levels are stable??

    Thanks again..

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by axemurderer187
    right on, thanks

    not to sound stupid, but what do I ask the doc when I make the appt. Do I just ask for blood work to see if my test levels are stable??

    Thanks again..
    Bryan2 recommends the blood test. He is a supplement guru on this site. Send him a PM and he will give you the low down. Good luck, bro!

    Does your username have anything to do with Wanderlei Silva?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by Papi93
    Bryan2 recommends the blood test. He is a supplement guru on this site. Send him a PM and he will give you the low down. Good luck, bro!

    Does your username have anything to do with Wanderlei Silva?
    got it, thanks

    About my username, ur damn right it does..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Clomid would be a really good pct to run with that cycle too.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by IronAdonis
    Clomid would be a really good pct to run with that cycle too.
    If you use 100mg of clomid, you could drop the nolva down to 20mg ED.

    With a username that's related to Wandy, I didn't think he would want to risk the possible side of emotional disturbances that clomid can cause. Think of Wanderlei Silva watching Forrest Gump and crying at the end (translated version of course).

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by Papi93
    If you use 100mg of clomid, you could drop the nolva down to 20mg ED.

    With a username that's related to Wandy, I didn't think he would want to risk the possible side of emotional disturbances that clomid can cause. Think of Wanderlei Silva watching Forrest Gump and crying at the end (translated version of course).
    jesus thats a f**cked up thought.......

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