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Thread: I thought PCT was down time?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    I thought PCT was down time?

    Maybe I am not understanding and by no way am I complaining but what's the deal.

    I did 12 weeks of deca and 15 weeks of Sust which ended 34 days ago.. I starts Clomid and Nolva on day 18.. (I did use HCG during my cycle also) I have had more strength gains in the past 2-3 weeks than during my whole cycle but I am more horny that every, my wife was hoping for a break .. Does this mean my Test levels came back fast or what is happening? I am 38 years old if that matters.

    thanks PCT experts


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by oldman
    Maybe I am not understanding and by no way am I complaining but what's the deal.

    I did 12 weeks of deca and 15 weeks of Sust which ended 34 days ago.. I starts Clomid and Nolva on day 18.. (I did use HCG during my cycle also) I have had more strength gains in the past 2-3 weeks than during my whole cycle but I am more horny that every, my wife was hoping for a break .. Does this mean my Test levels came back fast or what is happening? I am 38 years old if that matters.

    thanks PCT experts

    If you need a stand in stunt Cock for the wifey, you can ship her my way

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Jay_notellin
    If you need a stand in stunt Cock for the wifey, you can ship her my way

    I never need a stand in. I am 38 and could do it 3 times a day and not phase me.. I am one horny SOB.. always have been but if you saw my wife you would know why.. that is why I was wondering about PCT I here all kinds of people saying they have trouble during it and I am more active now than while on cycle..

    I guess no complaints.. I will enjoy the ride.


  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by oldman
    Maybe I am not understanding and by no way am I complaining but what's the deal.

    I did 12 weeks of deca and 15 weeks of Sust which ended 34 days ago.. I starts Clomid and Nolva on day 18.. (I did use HCG during my cycle also) I have had more strength gains in the past 2-3 weeks than during my whole cycle but I am more horny that every, my wife was hoping for a break .. Does this mean my Test levels came back fast or what is happening? I am 38 years old if that matters.

    thanks PCT experts

    Hey Oldman, would you mind giving us a sample of your cycle (doses, etc.) and exact PCT. There are a lot of members who could maybe learn from your good experience. Thanks!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Papi93
    Hey Oldman, would you mind giving us a sample of your cycle (doses, etc.) and exact PCT. There are a lot of members who could maybe learn from your good experience. Thanks!

    My cycle was very simple and small but here goes. Some background of why I actually did a cycle. 38 years old my Test levels were a 56! I had no energy, getting fat even with exercise, getting weaker all the time. I also have been fighting joint pain in both elbows for about 3-4 years..

    I went with Oasis since I was new and knew nothing about anything.

    My cycle is/was

    1-12 deca 300mg week
    1-15 sust 250mg 2 twice weekly
    1-15 anastrozole .05mg eod
    8-11 HCG 500iu e3d.. I think I may have been off a little as I changed this in the middle per some advice on this on AR.
    12-15 HCG 500iu e3d.

    PCT started at day 18
    Clomid 100mg ed
    Nolva 35mg ed

    Lots of protein, lots of B5,B6,VitC,ALA,AlCar

    Also 2IU 5/2 GH from day 1.

    I was really worried about being off cycle but so far my strength is going up. I am in pain again in my elbows but I expected that with no Deca. I am also pushing myself harder than ever. I am going back for CBC, Test blood work in about 8 days so I will know where I am.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    oldman are u still doing HIT?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by n4529359
    oldman are u still doing HIT?
    sorry stupid question alert... What is HIT??
    Last edited by oldman; 02-23-2006 at 11:53 AM.

  8. #8
    Do you think it was the HCG that kept your libido going?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Papi93
    Do you think it was the HCG that kept your libido going?

    I really don't know.. I do not my boys shrunk down to peas and after using the HCG they were good after a couple of weeks.

    I am pleased... I will see what my blood work looks like, I just did it yesterday so we will see where I stand..


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    i imagine your testosterone levels are still high, but keep us posted

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette
    i imagine your testosterone levels are still high, but keep us posted

    I think they are also but I was mostly wanting to see where my blood levels were on everything else. I did not have the best report 6 months ago on Cholesterol.. not that the cycle helped any but dropping 25+ lbs and tons of fat gone, cardio everyday and clean diet I hope to see some changes in it.



  12. #12

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