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Thread: PCT...going well???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    PCT...going well???

    I've been doing Clom 75mg/day for 17 days and Nolv 20mg/day for the same amount of time yet my testicles don't seem to be returning to normal size. I started at 50mg clom and worked up to 75. I didn't want to go too high b/c of the vision risk. ANY INPUT???

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by liftin4life
    I've been doing Clom 75mg/day for 17 days and Nolv 20mg/day for the same amount of time yet my testicles don't seem to be returning to normal size. I started at 50mg clom and worked up to 75. I didn't want to go too high b/c of the vision risk. ANY INPUT???
    I ran 100mg clomid, 20mg nolva, and 0.25mg arimidex ED for 4 weeks. The clomid never gave me vision problems. If you are worried, you could run nolva at 40mg ED and leave the clomid out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Northern Europe
    You should have started with 100mg clomid and after 14 days cut the dosage to 50mg. At these dosages you don't have to worry about vision probs.

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