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Thread: Deca D..K no sex drive...what pct

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Sunshine State

    Unhappy Deca D..K no sex drive...what pct

    Ok Bros i did a deca only cycle, ended 3 months ago. I know it was stupid. My question is this my doctor told me my test was at 80 2 months ago the normal levels are between 170-700...i still feel like i am not the same man even though i do feel a lot better my erections are not the same. i had no pct. I am going to start a cycle in two weeks...

    test prop 100mg eod 1-8
    fina 75mg eod 1-8
    winny 50mg ed 8-12

    i was thinking the prop should bring my test up. but i dont want the same thing to happen when i come off. i cant take it any longer. my girl will leave my ass if this happens again....What would be a good PCT.. I dont want to start the cycle with out it...Please help???

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Broker 1
    Ok Bros i did a deca only cycle, ended 3 months ago. I know it was stupid. My question is this my doctor told me my test was at 80 2 months ago the normal levels are between 170-700...i still feel like i am not the same man even though i do feel a lot better my erections are not the same. i had no pct. I am going to start a cycle in two weeks...

    test prop 100mg eod 1-8
    fina 75mg eod 1-8
    winny 50mg ed 8-12

    i was thinking the prop should bring my test up. but i dont want the same thing to happen when i come off. i cant take it any longer. my girl will leave my ass if this happens again....What would be a good PCT.. I dont want to start the cycle with out it...Please help???
    I believe you need to do a PCT now. Don't start a new cycle before you have fully recovered your natural test levels. Try 100mg Clomid, 20mg Nolva, 0.25mg Arimidex, and 4 Redkat pills for at least 4 weeks or until your natural test levels return.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    oh man... you need to do more research brother... go to the steroids cycle link here...

    and follow the PCT at the bottem of the cycles... Nolva and Clomid

    But I suggest that I you do a bit more research

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Sunshine State
    thanks if i started the cycle now u think i would not have the same i do all thoes for 4 weeks?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Broker 1
    thanks if i started the cycle now u think i would not have the same i do all thoes for 4 weeks?
    You could make your symptoms worse with another cycle before recovering your natural test levels. Do your PCT for at least 4 weeks. If money is an issue I can modify it slightly to make it more cost effective.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Sunshine State
    thanks.. my problem was i never took any it doesn't matter that am 3 months out? also it's not bad to do pct then start a new cycle then pct again in a few months period?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Sunshine State
    thanks.. my problem was i never took any it doesn't matter that am 3 months out? also it's not bad to do pct then start a new cycle then pct again in a few months period?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Broker 1
    thanks.. my problem was i never took any it doesn't matter that am 3 months out? also it's not bad to do pct then start a new cycle then pct again in a few months period?
    No it doesn't. You are still not fully recovered so it can help. I would check in with your doctor after that, to make sure you are ready for a new cycle.

    Time on = time off cycle, if you have fully recovered.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Broker 1
    thanks.. my problem was i never took any it doesn't matter that am 3 months out? also it's not bad to do pct then start a new cycle then pct again in a few months period?
    No it doesn't. You are still not fully recovered so it can help. I would check in with your doctor after that, to make sure you are ready for a new cycle.

    Time on = time off cycle, if you have fully recovered.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Sunshine State
    Thanks Bro... I really wanted to start but i guess i will hold off till i get through my pct...I am going to go to the Doc this week to check my self..If i am in the normal numbers already do u think i can skip the pct now???? The doc told me the normal # are 170 - 700 so lets say am at 190? what u think?

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Broker 1
    Thanks Bro... I really wanted to start but i guess i will hold off till i get through my pct...I am going to go to the Doc this week to check my self..If i am in the normal numbers already do u think i can skip the pct now???? The doc told me the normal # are 170 - 700 so lets say am at 190? what u think?
    If you are in the normal numbers, you can skip the PCT.

    If you want a little extra boost before your cycle, read this:

    He is an excellent post by Ntpadude (fellow member):

    I take redkat myself and just 2 pills a day... after a couple weeks if you are still ON cycle, you will notice a nice return in size to your shrunken nuts. In PCT this stuff is really good, I am in PCT after 9 months of deca use at 600 mg a week and I have had the easiest PCT ever!!! Even easier then an 8 week testosterone only cycle without tongkat. There was virtually no decline in sex drive, actually it increased steadily when I missed the shot on week #1 and 3 weeks after my last test e shot I was experiencing the best sex drive I've had in a year. Grant it I started by redkat/tongkat ali about 4 months ago and stayed on steady. Now that PCT is over (no more clomid, etc) I am still going very strong, the most incredible wife gagging cum loads of my life and not only a vigorous sex drive, but the enjoyability factor while having sex is better then any "on testosterone" cycle I ever been on.

    Yes while you can actually see improvements in "deca dick" in just 1 week, it really takes 1 month for your body to fully respond. I was deca dicked really bad in my 4th month on deca/test and the testosterone I took with the deca wasnt helping, balls ached and shrunk very badly. I started tongkat as last ditch effort to prevent stopping the cycle and the aches ended within 2 days of starting, balls started growing back noticably well by end of first week and sex drive and ability to maintain hard-on improved in a big way, even though I continued my deca doses for another 4 months! I have done tribulus before, tribulus doesnt seem to do anything like tongkat, but tongkat is basically your herbal HCG taken by mouth, it can and does easily overpower deca dick and ball shrinkage while on cycle. Also makes your steroids more effective by keeping down your SHBG's which deactivate testosterone and near testosterone compounds.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Sunshine State
    Thanks that is a great post...I just got off the phone with my doc and he is going to check for when am up for my next visit he said it was going to be every 3 months. so i should be in for a check up in a week or so. Is Tongkat and redkat a supplement i can get at a GNC? should i take that till my next check up? am going to wait till my results come back before i start my next cycle i dont want to go trough that again...Papi93 thanks for all the help bro.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Sunshine State
    i did some resarch on yahoo and i found the tongkat my question is this can i take this all year long? and it says that for it to work u need at least 400mg every day is this accurate?

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Broker 1
    Thanks that is a great post...I just got off the phone with my doc and he is going to check for when am up for my next visit he said it was going to be every 3 months. so i should be in for a check up in a week or so. Is Tongkat and redkat a supplement i can get at a GNC? should i take that till my next check up? am going to wait till my results come back before i start my next cycle i dont want to go trough that again...Papi93 thanks for all the help bro.
    You can get Redkat from t - nation . com for $20 (72 capsules in a bottle). You pay too much at GNC. It would be a great addition before your seeing your doctor.

  15. #15

    Tongkat ali reduces the "tollerance" effect to steroids because it reduces the SHBG's which cause the "tollerance" effect. Tongkat ali appears to stimulate LH and GSH even while on steroids causing an effect very similar to HCG, meaning you produce natural testosterone even while ON steroids.

    The thinking is, if you are going to mess with steroids, its perhaps a very good idea to take tongkat ali continuously all thru your steroid cycles and on into PCT and beyond! It counteracts most of the bad side effects onto your reproductive system and ability to generate natural testosterone when off steroids. Tongkat ali can also allow you to get better results from using less AAS then without which can further reduce other negative side effects on your cholesterol levels which therefore reduce your risk of heart trouble as a result of using AAS. Tongkat ali allows you to not dip down so low on your testosterone levels as you enter PCT therefore reducing ACNE side effects and also tongkat ali has also been shown to protect your prostate from enlarging and its also been shown to be a general anti-cancer agent therefore reducing even more another negative side effects.

    If you do 2 cycles or more a year or a cycle lasting more then 12 weeks, ideal would be take tongkat ali practically year round.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Sunshine State
    Your the man.....i cant thank u enough for all ur help i am going to go pick up both of them today at a supp store by my gym.....ill let u know how my results come back!!!

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Broker 1
    Your the man.....i cant thank u enough for all ur help i am going to go pick up both of them today at a supp store by my gym.....ill let u know how my results come back!!!
    Glad I could help. Just be patient with the Redkat, it takes a while for the full effect.

  18. #18

    Tongkat ali has been proven to boost your total testosterone levels to about double if you stay on it long enough, but it also lowers your SHBG's so you get about a 440% increase in "free testosterone".

    Its also been shown to work something like HCG, in that tongkat can actually cause you to begin producing natural testosterone and continue to lower your SHBG's even if you are taking tongkat while "on" a cycle which involves deca durabolin or trenbalone. In otherwords these 2 drugs are the most powerful things to shut down your natural testosterone production, and yet tongkat can overpower this shutdown effect and get you producing again. Also makes your steroids you are taking more effective because lowering SHBG's reduces the "tollerance" effect that SHBG's do to your steroid tollerances. As we know, SHBG's bind to ALL anabolic steroids, not just testosterone, and it partially disables deca, tren, test, winstrol, etc... so tongkat ali is a cycler's best friend actually.

  19. #19
    Bryan2 (supplement guru) on the active life of tongkat ali:

    completley out of the body within 8 hours

  20. #20
    Nptadude on tongkat's 8 hour active life:

    This suggests something that might be different from one's experience with the tongkat. Tongkat's effects are cumulative, for one its the only substance known that gradually reduces sex hormone binding globulins (SHBG's), so its effects on stimulating LH might only last 8 hours but the lower SHBG's and higher responsiveness to lower amounts of testosterone and increased free testosterone linger well beyond this 8 hour mark.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Sunshine State
    Hey bro got online yesterday and orderd both the tongkat and redkat. cant wait for it to come back. Noticed both have the same active ingredients. How long do you think it takes in for the redkat to kick in........

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Broker 1
    Hey bro got online yesterday and orderd both the tongkat and redkat. cant wait for it to come back. Noticed both have the same active ingredients. How long do you think it takes in for the redkat to kick in........
    The bottle says that it takes a full month to feel the full effects. I think you will feel something much quicker.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Sunshine State
    thanks ill keep u posted

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Broker 1
    thanks ill keep u posted
    If you don't like your progress, go with 7 days per week. That's what a supplement guru suggested to me.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Sunshine State
    well i bought both so i was planing on taking the redkat 4pills ed off on the weekends and the tongkat 1pill ed since the tongkat has 1500mg of the same extract as the redkat.....

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Sunshine State
    What i didnt find out is why people use both the redkat and the tongkat even though they have the same ingredients? does the redkat have something extra?

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Broker 1
    well i bought both so i was planing on taking the redkat 4pills ed off on the weekends and the tongkat 1pill ed since the tongkat has 1500mg of the same extract as the redkat.....
    Why did you do it that way? Buying both, rather than one, that is.

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Broker 1
    What i didnt find out is why people use both the redkat and the tongkat even though they have the same ingredients? does the redkat have something extra?
    Not that I know of.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Sunshine State
    i read about many people that use both. i also read that the tongkat must be at least 400mg ed to work. i will use the redkat for know and use the tongkat later when i run out they both have the same main substance which is eurycoma...i think there is no defrience...

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Broker 1
    i read about many people that use both. i also read that the tongkat must be at least 400mg ed to work. i will use the redkat for know and use the tongkat later when i run out they both have the same main substance which is eurycoma...i think there is no defrience...
    I guess you will be able to do a comparison to see which is more effective. Do they have an extract ratio for the tongkat ali, you bought?

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    South West. England
    Hey Big Broker. Stick with it bro. I had the same problem and it was really worrying at first. I took the same advice from papi and it sorted me out for my next cycle. My next pct will consist of 60mg nolva, .50mg liquidex and 4 tongkat. Hoping ill get sorted when the time comes. Hey papi, if you can remember our last lot of conversations do you think i should start taking the tongkat during my cycle (im 4 weeks in of 12) and continue it through my pct. PM me cos i dont want to hijack this thread. Thanks bro and good luck Big Broker

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by ROBOCOP
    Hey Big Broker. Stick with it bro. I had the same problem and it was really worrying at first. I took the same advice from papi and it sorted me out for my next cycle. My next pct will consist of 60mg nolva, .50mg liquidex and 4 tongkat. Hoping ill get sorted when the time comes. Hey papi, if you can remember our last lot of conversations do you think i should start taking the tongkat during my cycle (im 4 weeks in of 12) and continue it through my pct. PM me cos i dont want to hijack this thread. Thanks bro and good luck Big Broker
    If you start feeling suppressed, it wouldn't be a bad idea. It will make PCT easier.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Sunshine State
    thanks robocop. but yea i am going to check on the ratio for each. i will use both through my next cycle and even when am off. i think it would make for a great every day supp. Oh And papi, ill pm you soon so you can give me some advice on my next cycle pct (if you can) i just dont want to have that feeling of coming off the stuff feeling great and a few weeks later i have no sex drive...not good...Pct for me from now on..i think i learned my leason

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Broker 1
    thanks robocop. but yea i am going to check on the ratio for each. i will use both through my next cycle and even when am off. i think it would make for a great every day supp. Oh And papi, ill pm you soon so you can give me some advice on my next cycle pct (if you can) i just dont want to have that feeling of coming off the stuff feeling great and a few weeks later i have no sex drive...not good...Pct for me from now on..i think i learned my leason
    I found out that Redkat is a proprietary formula and not an extract. Cy Wilson said that no one will know so that it isn't copied.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Sunshine State
    thats good to know i will take both then...since they are not both extracts. off topic am so hungry going to go run and grab some love fridays...

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