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Thread: Pct Advise Please

  1. #1

    Exclamation Pct Advise Please

    ok, planning on my next 12 week cycle-
    Test e 400mg per week
    deca- 250mg per week

    can someone give me some advise on the pct for this cycle?

    Sidenote: i will be on accutane at this time, so something that does not bring on additional acne if that is possible.

    im about to put my order in.

  2. #2
    Do you want to include clomid or are you afraid of the possible side effects?

  3. #3
    well, that was actually the root of my question.

  4. #4
    do you feel that the clomid might be a bad combo with the accutane treatment?

  5. #5
    do you feel that the clomid might be a bad combo with the accutane treatment?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by tvd220
    well, that was actually the root of my question.
    I went with 100mg clomid, 20mg nolva, and 0.25mg arimidex ED for 4 weeks, for my last PCT. I did not like the emotional sides clomid caused. I felt like I was going to cry when watching a sad movie. Next time I will run nolva at 40mg and arimidex at 0.25mg ED and see if I can attain the same results.

  7. #7
    I found this post by scotttiger54 (fellow member):

    My experiences w/ nolva only pct...

    well guys it's conclusive, nolva only pct works...quite well actually.

    its been 4 wks since my last inj of test cyp. started nolva only @40mg/day 17 days after last inj. during the 17 day break before beginning pct i administered 500 iu's of hcg e3d (this is how i run hcg during less harsh cycles). just recently had bloodwork done and when i called my doc said i had already pretty much recovered...completely! i still plan to finish my nolva regiment just to be on the safe side but i must say im impressed. i have had almost no unpleasent sides. a bit more common headaches is about all. Thanks to JohnnyB for the enlightenment, hopefully this will draw some attention and open some eyes. i plan on running a pretty good, hard cycle in about 3 months and will apply the same regiment (hcg used thoughout will be only difference). here's the regiment i am running, its disgustingly simple:

    wks 1-2: 40mg/ed nolva
    wks 2 until sex drive's back: 20mg/ed nolva
    started trib @2g's ed when nolva was started

  8. #8
    scotttiger54 on acne with a nolva-only PCT:

    im actually very prone to breaking out during pct. i honestly have had little to no acne at all. im very pleased with this and hopefully i'll remain clear.

  9. #9
    good looks papi. so you think i might be better off with just nolva at 40mg per day for 3 weeks?

  10. #10
    can i get nolva from the AR-Research?

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by tvd220
    can i get nolva from the AR-Research?
    That's where I get mine.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by tvd220
    good looks papi. so you think i might be better off with just nolva at 40mg per day for 3 weeks?
    That's what I'm going to do. It's a cheaper PCT as well.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    South West. England
    TVD. Im on the same cycle now, albeit im on 500mg test e p/w. Im taking papi's advice and taking nolva, but at 60mg ED along with .50mg liquidex and 4 tonkat ali ED for at least 30 days. Good luck

  14. #14
    ok robo- sounds good. the only problem is that I can't find nolva on the ar-r.
    what kind of things should I expect with the nolva accutane combo?

  15. #15
    is it the tomax?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    South West. England
    If you are are asking about "tamoxifen" then nolva and tamoxifen are the same thing bro, Tamoxifen is the generic name, although im positive you can get nolva from ARR. As far as the sides with nolva and accutane ive read that accutane can cause skin dryness, itching, muscle soreness, joint pain, headaches and fatigue. Thing is bro we are all different and you may not get any sides. My advice would be to ask your doc for his opinion on accutane and start at a lower dose.

  17. #17
    when i click on the "nolva" in blue letters on this text, It brings me to tamoxifen, so I beleive they do not offer name brand nolva.
    Im just worried because I know PCT causes acne; and the intial stages of accutane causes severe acne before it gets better. So it might be a party on my face and back!
    SECOND- the emotional sides, PCT causes me to be more emotional, and accutane can caus depression.

    So I dont want to be walking around as sad, depressed person with bumps on my skin lol
    But I feel that staying away from the clomid is the best idea, and keep in nolva all the way.

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