Thread: clomid question
03-02-2006, 08:57 PM #1
clomid question
got nolva for during and post cycle, letro for post cycle, and clomid for post cycle all from ar-r . my question refers to the clomid. by searching the board i guess clomid gets your nuts back in gear? so why would you wait till after 14 days to start(assuming you were using test E) why not get the clomid going a week before your last injection to prime the engine so to speak?
my cycle so far looks like
week 1-12 - 600mgs TEST E
week 1-11 - 300mgs DECA
taking nolva throughout to hinder the bloating, along with B complex and various other vitamins and such. (potassium, wheat grass, milk thistle, alpha lipoic acid, and maybe a water pill if the nolva doesnt hinder bloating enough)
why not start clomid at week 11?
i may add some test prop at the end of the cycle depending on how much my gains are. ill assess that at about week 7.
03-02-2006, 09:38 PM #2
yes..clomid helps the body get back its natural test going agian and restores your nut size if they have shrunken as for the reasons for taking clomid 14 days after a cycle is because the half life of the gear you are using theres no reason to waste clomid trying to restore natural test when you still have synthetic test running through your blood. at least thats my understanding of it correct me if im wrong but clomid therapy depends on the type of anabolic your taking
03-03-2006, 09:28 AM #3
ok thanks
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