I am about 40 days post cylce. My cycle consisted of aprox 437.5 MG of Sus 250/wk for 12 weeks with a Deca Kicker in the middle. I gained aprox 25 lbs from this cycle.
I have been increasingly frustrated with this boards "over" pushing of certain chemicals for PCT. I believe many of the recomendations are overkill. Because of this, I decided to put my own ballson the line during my PCT.
In a nutshell, I have kept all but 2lbs my gains. My PCT consisted of Nolva (5MG/day), Tongat (3pills daily), Trib (varying). I started my PCT about 4 days early. I also very low amounts of creatine.
I can give you more specifics if you contact me.
Think about it. 40 days later.....Kept all my gains...all my strength. NO Clomid, No Arimides, just 5 mg of Nolva, trib and tongkat. My libido is through the roof. I am breaking out on my back and shoulders. This is from Test people.
You do not need all that Garbage in your PCT. Keep it simple!!