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Thread: PCT......Cycle Results. Kept Gains

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    PCT......Cycle Results. Kept Gains

    I am about 40 days post cylce. My cycle consisted of aprox 437.5 MG of Sus 250/wk for 12 weeks with a Deca Kicker in the middle. I gained aprox 25 lbs from this cycle.

    I have been increasingly frustrated with this boards "over" pushing of certain chemicals for PCT. I believe many of the recomendations are overkill. Because of this, I decided to put my own balls on the line during my PCT.

    In a nutshell, I have kept all but 2lbs my gains. My PCT consisted of Nolva (5MG/day), Tongat (3pills daily), Trib (varying). I started my PCT about 4 days early. I also very low amounts of creatine.

    I can give you more specifics if you contact me.

    Think about it. 40 days later.....Kept all my gains...all my strength. NO Clomid, No Arimides, just 5 mg of Nolva, trib and tongkat. My libido is through the roof. I am breaking out on my back and shoulders. This is from Test people.

    You do not need all that Garbage in your PCT. Keep it simple!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    anywhere my son lives
    what brand of tongkat you taking?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    To each his own bro...some people can't recover as easily, believe me, I know!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by majorpecs
    To each his own bro...some people can't recover as easily, believe me, I know!

    Exactly, same here!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    ur prob holding water from the creatine also

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    doubtfull I am retaining much water on 5grams of creatine per day.

    What I was trying to convey is that certain people on this board push BS Chemicals that are unecessary. Example....running clomid, nolva and arimidex together, which I have harped on before. It is BS advice.

    More importantly than keeping weight, I have retained all my strength gains.

    Another item I failed to include is ephedra. I use it daily, prior to working out. I find it to be a great addition to my PCT. (this also sheds water.....)

    I am just passing on my results to those who come to this board for "real" info. Before you hit the banner and order, think. I have a strong suspicion many PCTs fail because they are over done. Unfortunately, people's reaction to a failed PCT is to use more chemicals when they should actually use less.

    Think of a sprained ankle. You tape the ankle for a bit, but you do not do it all the time. If you do, the ankle will never regain its full strength. It will become week and reliant on the additional support. This is a real vanilla examply, but a great example of how the body works....

    One additional comment........look at the past posts of those who constantly reply on various forums. They often contract themselves. One day they are on cycle. THe next they are on pro hormones. The next they are on PCT. It is rediculous.

    Happy juicing.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    what use would creatine be in PCT?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by brutesinme
    what use would creatine be in PCT?
    The same reason you would take it any other time. Provides great pump in the gym as well has helps muscles heal. Also, I find it helps prevent injury.

    When I am off cycle, I still try to maintain a 5 to 6 day/week workout schedule. I believe creatine help prevent muscular injury. Might not make sense, but it is how my body responds.

    I do not get as many muscle pulls or have to take days off due to soreness.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    it also gives the average user
    about 5-7lbs of water.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    where do you get nolva and all the other pct cycle supplements and when do you start them .. like say im on 10 cc of test

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by JK119
    where do you get nolva and all the other pct cycle supplements and when do you start them .. like say im on 10 cc of test
    Click the Banner......ARR sells it. I have never used their stuff myself, but I have heard only positive reviews (other than teste ).

    Would need more information regarding when to start your PCT. What type of Test are you on? How much are you doing? For how long?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by helium3
    it also gives the average user
    about 5-7lbs of water.
    I would say my usage is below that of the average user. However, I see 5-7 lbs would be possible.......Especially on my frame. From what I have read, creatine slowly builds up in the body and is then released very slowly. It should also be cycled.

    I am not really well versed in creatine use. I started using it recently. I also never "loaded".

    I think more important than the creatine is my appetite. I am eating everything in site. I am eating more now than when I was on my cycle.

    Also, since i finished my PCT......I have been breaking out on my shoulders. Worse than when I was on. Worse than when in PCT. I am only taking what Tibulus I left now.

    Am I right to assume this is my natural Test kickin in?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    i use and understand creatine, i just wondered if there were any PCT specific reasons to include it in PCT, other than the regular benifits it gives.

  15. #15
    Let us know how much of your strength gains and weight you keep in the month to come. I dont usually start losing unitl about 2 months after last injection. I

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    i use and understand creatine, i just wondered if there were any PCT specific reasons to include it in PCT, other than the regular benifits it gives. I Use creatine for the same reasons as anyone does not help bring natural test levels back to normal.

    Let us know how much of your strength gains and weight you keep in the month to come. I dont usually start losing unitl about 2 months after last injection. I I am about 60 days out today. I went up 20 lbs on incline. Not max, just work out weight. You do not start losing until 2 months? I am not sure if that is the norm or not, but i figure it is not. I am steady at 232 lbs. I am running an ECA stack now, so I figure I am losing a bit of BF%...........However, I am eating everything in i might not be in reality.

    Listen, I know that no one keeps 100% of their gains. I am just saying my PCT regiment seemed to work for me. I was not lethargic. I did not miss work outs and I maintained my strength gains. I am just an advocate of less chemical use and more eating your ass off and working your ass off.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Your post was helpful and I tend to agree with what you said on overdoing the PCT. I placed a question yesterday hoping to get some experienced advice, so thank you.

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