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Thread: B Tits

  1. #1

    B Tits

    I have lumps but its wierd my cycle was from a long time ago, like 1 year. i was using 1200 mgs at the end of cyp. i used nolva and clomid no probs then i everything was normal then all the sudden i have lumps
    i tried l dex it help the itching now im on nolva again and they dont hurt or itch but i still have lumps will they always be there?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    I would use an anti estrogen during your next cycle. Most of the time this is
    only cured by surgery. I hope I'm wrong. Get your estro levels checked. An aromatase inhibitor like armidex might be in order. Ask a Doctor that has a HRT clinic. Get a couple of professional opinions .Surgery sucks.

  3. #3
    def. use an anti-e during next cycle. Try some letro, there have been some who claimed to have reversed existing gyno with it. Do some research on the subject. You can get some letro on the ARR store. (banner top right). Good luck with it my friend! Hope it works out

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    i would advice u to go and see ur doctor

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