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Thread: Omnadren + D-bol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Moscow, Russia

    Omnadren + D-bol

    Hello everyone. I'm from Russia. Im gonna start my 2nd cycle with Omna and D-bol. Omna 1-8week: 500mg at once, and after that use 250mg every 3rd day or every 4th day. D-bol (1-6week) starting at the same time with Omna: begin from 15mg/day gradually up to 35-40mg/day and in the end of the cycle gradually down to 10mg/day. After the cycle planing to use Clomid.

    Guys what you say? Do I need to increase the dose of Omna? Please correct the cycle if there is somthing wrong. Sorry for my not good English...

    P.S. Weight: 190 lbs, height: 6.15, age: 17.5 . Training expirience: 1.4 years.
    The first cycle was with D-bol solo: begin from 10mg/day gradually up to 30mg/day and in the end of the cycle gradually down to 10mg/day.
    Last edited by IGOR; 03-28-2006 at 08:41 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Toronto, Canada
    Hey man, I know theres more experienced people that can help you a little better, but I'm gearing up for an omnadren + Naposim cycle too.
    I know with omnadren you need to run it for atleast 12 to 16 weeks.
    Im doing 13 cause its already a few weeks longer than my previous cycles.
    You might want to try 250mg weeks 1-2 and after 3-11 at 500mg -750mg, if it's your second cycle 500mg will probably be sufficient for you. I'll probably taper down beyond week 13, not everyone does this but it seems to work for me, everyone's different.
    Monday and Thursday or every 4 days while on 500mg.
    As for the D-bols I know lots of people run em 6 weeks, but try bringing them down to 4 weeks, they will kick start you until the omnadren kicks in.
    For a second cycle 30 to 35 mg throughout the day is plenty IMO.

    Good to hear about the clomid for PCT but you'll need something for the estrogen sides during your cycle and after while on PCT, most use Nolvadex.

    I hope this gives you a little help, remember EAT, EAT, EAT!!!
    Im sure someone with a little more experience can refine this even better for you, im just giving you a guideline similiar to my own.
    Good Luck and be careful man, your not even in your 20's, you really don't need to take anything, supplements, plenty of food water, rest, proper diet, nutrition, training and you will grow Man, My suggestion is to research and ask more questions........think about it, 17 is a sh$ty age to mess yourself up. Just make sure you know and understand everything about what your doing. The more experienced Bro's on here can help you with that, nobody wants anyone to get hurt.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Moscow, Russia
    Yo! Man, really thank you so much for help! I really decide to use that. I know a lot of Russian forums but i want to hear what Yankee guys says about this.
    Instead Nolvadex I plan to use Tamoxifen, this is same the Nolvadex. Insted Naposim I will use Methandienon from Dynamic Develoopment Labs. Its very new and it's same Naposim but a lot of people who used it told that this is more better than Naposim and more power...
    Aginst thank you!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Toronto, Canada
    lol, Im no yankee, im Canadian! Hope it helps a little but please read up as much as you can and ask some of the more experienced people here.
    Later Man

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