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  1. #1
    Sust Man's Avatar
    Sust Man is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2003

    lost in the sea of pct

    I have scoured this board for 2 hours with some help, but many of my questions are still unanswered. I have been natural for 8 months, and want to get back on a sus/eq cycle (maybe 500sus/300eq/wk). I have always done nolva, clomid, and clen as described by this forum, and my recovery/sex drive always sucks for months afterward. I see so many freakin different chems on my research site, that I am completely lost. What the hell is cabergoline, rimonabant, toremifine, and selegiline citrate, and should I use any of them? I plan on doing the same pct as before, but throwing in the hcg in the middle of the cycle and at the end. I guess maybe 500-1000IU in the middle done once with a week of nolva, and then 500eod after the last injection for 3 weeks with nolva, followed by clomid and clen for a few weeks after? If any chems not metioned may help the sex drive recovery (besides cialis) then please explain. Also, what is a good brand of tongkat which someone has experience with? Sorry for all of the questions, but after 4 cycles with poor recovery, something needs to be tweaked.

  2. #2
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Cabergoline @ .25mg E3D will help sex drive. As for PCT a combo of HCG , nolva, aromasin is good. Do a search for Hooker's PCT.

  3. #3
    eberasain is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Fort Lauderdale
    good luck!

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