Hi all.
Was very lae on my last PCT, LH ans FSH and test has been very low for a while now.
Estradiol is just under 30 ng/dl.
Figured a clomid + nolva cycle would fix me up.
Time is not of the essance, but I just want to get my test back to normal, and hopefully this will do the trick.
Since I do not make my living based on my physique, I will not be using any more AAS, only should I need HRT down the line, but that is different.
For now my goal is to get back to natural test level, and just stay natural. Got the stuff from this site to, liquid form.
Will look lke this.
Day 1: 87.5mg clomid, 60mg tamox
Week1: 52.5mg clomid, 20 tamox
Week2: 52.5mg clomid, 20 tamox
Week3: 52.5mg clomid, 20 tamox
Week4: 52.5mg clomid, 20 tamox
Week5: 35mg clomid, 10 tamox
Week6: 17.5mg clomid, 5 tamox
Week7: 9mg clomid, 5 tamox
Week8: 5 tamox
That will be it.
Any suggestions?