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Thread: When Should I Be Back To Normal?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    When Should I Be Back To Normal?

    Hey Bros,

    Some of you may be aware that I was diagnosed with low natural test levels last year. I have a couple of threads on the issue for those interested.

    Anyway, I chose after much research and deliberation to go ahead with a test only cycle; 13 weeks 500mg/wk. It was a good time: 22 pounds gained and BF% went down.

    My last shot was 250mg on May 4. I started PCT on May 18. I used a modified pheednos PCT schedule that included clomid for the first week and a half and Nolva at 20mg per day. I also threw in trib at 3g ED. I plan to continue this PCT routine of nolva and trib until June 18. The boys are almost back to normal size.

    I am supposed to go and get bloodwork done in July/August regarding my original low test problem. My question is this: assuming that my PCT is working as is it supposed to be (which I think it is...) if I go for bloodwork in late July should the results give a pretty accurate reading of my natural levels? I do not expect my levels to be those of an average male because I was producing lower amounts prior to my cycle...I just want to feel comfortable that the readings will be uninfluenced by the PCT drugs.

    Also, how long does nolva stay active in the body? How long does trib stay active in the body?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by BigJames
    Hey Bros,

    Some of you may be aware that I was diagnosed with low natural test levels last year. I have a couple of threads on the issue for those interested.

    Anyway, I chose after much research and deliberation to go ahead with a test only cycle; 13 weeks 500mg/wk. It was a good time: 22 pounds gained and BF% went down.

    My last shot was 250mg on May 4. I started PCT on May 18. I used a modified pheednos PCT schedule that included clomid for the first week and a half and Nolva at 20mg per day. I also threw in trib at 3g ED. I plan to continue this PCT routine of nolva and trib until June 18. The boys are almost back to normal size.

    I am supposed to go and get bloodwork done in July/August regarding my original low test problem. My question is this: assuming that my PCT is working as is it supposed to be (which I think it is...) if I go for bloodwork in late July should the results give a pretty accurate reading of my natural levels? I do not expect my levels to be those of an average male because I was producing lower amounts prior to my cycle...I just want to feel comfortable that the readings will be uninfluenced by the PCT drugs.

    Also, how long does nolva stay active in the body? How long does trib stay active in the body?

    Yes, that is what bloodwork is for. Of course it will be an accurate reading unless your doc switches out your results with another patients. I dont really understand the question. I mean if you are wondering how accurate the results of a blood test will be i would say 100% but its something you should ask your doctor whose doing the test.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Yes, that is what bloodwork is for. Of course it will be an accurate reading unless your doc switches out your results with another patients. I dont really understand the question. I mean if you are wondering how accurate the results of a blood test will be i would say 100% but its something you should ask your doctor whose doing the test. clarify my question, what I mean is...will my PCT and trib effect my bloodwork if I have the test a month after my last dose of each. I want the test to be an accurate representation of my natural production, but if the nolva and trib are still active in my system, they will throw off the results...make sense?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Ahhh ok sorry man, I got you now. The drugs wont interfere, they are being used to bring your serum test levels back to normal, and by normal I mean whatever is normal for you. They may never raise up to the exact same spot they were at before you started they may be higher. But I wouldnt worry too much about them being in your system and messing up any results.

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