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Thread: Please Help..nipples!!!

  1. #1

    Please Help..nipples!!!

    this is weird!!! just got off my superdrol cycle like 2 months ago and all was side effects or anything....then i started taking propecia and my nipples became tender and puffy...if i squeeze them a liquid that is sticky will comeout....what do i do????? totally bugged out...the dr said it would go away naturally but it isnt please help!!!! thanx guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    From memory Propecia is a 1mg version of Proscar which is 5mg. Its a DHT blocker and a known side effect is bitch tits. Get yourself some Letro ASAP and deal with that shit

  3. #3
    thanx ordering now....can u help with dosage? never used letro before

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

  5. #5
    thanx i just read question i would be using number 3 on his example list....the dasage it says on number five is what i would stay at till it goes away and then stay on for another 4-7 days correct???? also is this s liquid or cream? thanx you for the fast reply

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    OK its a liquid and its taken orally. Yes do Protocol number three. And yes taper down for another few days then start Nolvadex. Here is what he sais to do

    This now leads us into the question of reversing gyno while not on cycle. There are a few things to remember here. You have already waited longer than you should have, and your sex drive will be shot. You can use tribulus or another natural test booster to help you in this scenario but I can’t guarantee the effectiveness. Just follow gyno reversal protocols 2 or 3. When coming off again you must taper and begin using nolvadex to prevent any rebound effect that may occur.

  7. #7
    thanx....actually i allready have the tamox but what is the dosage i should use for this...thank you so much for your help kale....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Here is what Bino says about Nolvadex

    How much nolvadex should you use if you are not going into PCT and running this off cycle? I suggest starting at 20mg ED for a week and then lowering it to 10mg for another week and then coming off completely.

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