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Thread: cardio during pct time??

  1. #1

    cardio during pct time??

    as if now i am doing cardio 4 days a week and im on a cycle but i was wondering when im on pct if i should stop for a month or so since cardio is so catabolic??? or does it not matter cause when ur on pct ur in a catabolic state already?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    somewhere eating
    good looking foward to the answer.. i will be starting pct soon.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by llrockyll
    as if now i am doing cardio 4 days a week and im on a cycle but i was wondering when im on pct if i should stop for a month or so since cardio is so catabolic??? or does it not matter cause when ur on pct ur in a catabolic state already?
    I continue cardio @ 3days/week for 35-45 minutes during pct, but I also use clen during pct which is anticatabolic.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    somewhere eating
    Yea thats tru...i will be doing that also....thanks not trying to highjack the thead just so you guys no


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    i would say that shorter, more intense periods of cardio would be better than longer lower intensity cardio. I usualy do about 20 minutes with 4-5 high intesnsity intervals and I usually get a good workout without losing quality muscle mass. A lot of good sprinters run intervals and they can maintain their mass, but if you ever look at a good distance runner who runs for an hour or so everyday, they usually have very little lean body mass... so just don't overdo it.

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