What's up guys? I am just finishing up my first cycle, a 12 week cycle of Sus
(250 every 3rd day), which I also kickstarted with 4 weeks of D-bol(30/day). I made pretty good gains and really don't want to lose them. I've got Nolva for PCT(gonna start 18 days after last shot) and I am gonna start creatine and NO. I was thinking about throwing in a natural test booster. I can't really get anyting else here in Iraq. I will be home about 30 days after my last shot. Will it be too late to add something like clomid in at that point and would it be beneficial? I know it is a little late in the game to be worrying about this but I took the advice of someone who told me Nolva alone would be good for that cycle. Will greatly appreciate any advice.
