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Thread: gyno - pct question - (c_bino please advise)

  1. #1

    gyno - pct question - (c_bino please advise)

    I finished a var only cycle 40 mg for 8 weeks. I have been noticing slight gyno when I look down at my chest my nips are hard, point outward and look pointy. I just started running clomid and tribulus yesterday. should I get some letro like you suggest or will the clomid be enough? please help I want to get rid of this. I can't believe this has happen I read everywhere this wouldn;t happen with var.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Well it can happen with almost any cycle even if the compound itself doesnt aromatize, simply because of the estrogen flux when you get off the compound and begin PCT. This is one of the reasons I always advocate for an AI in every PCT regimine, which you dont have.

    Anyways, what are the other symptoms, is there any ump behind the nipple at all or is it solely an aesthetic case of gyno and nothing really internal?

  3. #3
    well I started seeing gyno a couple of weeks ago when I was still on cycle. I took my last 20 mg yesterday morning and started clomid last night. it looks like it has gotten worse over last week. im not sure if theres a bump it very soft if I push my finger on my nipple. my chest looks pointy its not normally what it looks like. what should I do.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by nyitalianman26
    well I started seeing gyno a couple of weeks ago when I was still on cycle. I took my last 20 mg yesterday morning and started clomid last night. it looks like it has gotten worse over last week. im not sure if theres a bump it very soft if I push my finger on my nipple. my chest looks pointy its not normally what it looks like. what should I do.
    If I was you I would get some Letro fast. Better to be safe than sorry

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