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Thread: PCT for short cycle

  1. #1

    PCT for short cycle

    I finished a cutting an 8 week cutting cycle of 100mg prop EOD and 50mg Turinabol ED. The cycle was great and i even gained 5 solid LBS. For some odd reason I decided not to do PCT and I felt fine afterwards and have not lost my gains. About 3 weeks later I noticed that my sex drive was down a bit. I dont know if this has to do with the gear or I'm just comparing my drive to when I was on test. My question is If I started taking Clomid now after over a month of the cycle being done, would it be beneficial? Would there be negative effects. What type of clomid regiment should I do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    this was not smart you should always do PCT. Start a pct now clomid nolva and run it
    no open source posting
    keep all source request's to PM'S please

    someone once said to me a clever man learn's by his own mistake's. But a wise man learn's by the mistake's of other people.

    detailed detection times
    at least 45 day's active use and 100 posts for a source check
    unsure about the rule's please read up
    thread for first cycle choices


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