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Thread: help confused

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    help confused

    im currently taking letro to prevent gyno and i read that to prevent an estrogen rebound i need to take the letro untill i start my pct with nolva but what should i do if i planned to take letro with my pct... another concern is that i read nolva can actually make estogen worse. i 1st planned to run clen clomid nolva and letro for pct... wat should i do

    i got my info form stocky and c binos post

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by daddy36
    im currently taking letro to prevent gyno and i read that to prevent an estrogen rebound i need to take the letro untill i start my pct with nolva but what should i do if i planned to take letro with my pct... another concern is that i read nolva can actually make estogen worse. i 1st planned to run clen clomid nolva and letro for pct... wat should i do

    i got my info form stocky and c binos post
    Nolva would "make estrogen worse" if you were taking Superdrol or Phera Plex cycle. Otherwise, nolva is a great addition to PCT.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    im takin letro rite now so when im done with my cylce should i just keep on takin letro and start my clomid and nolva or should i take a break 4 a while with the letro then start again

  4. #4
    What did you run in your cycle?

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