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Thread: PCT and sex drive HELP

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    PCT and sex drive HELP

    just came off
    1-10 test cyp
    1-10 deca
    11-14 prop
    was doing 250iu hcg ed for last 5 weeks of cycle
    1.5mg adex e3d

    started 1000iu hcg day after last injection for 3 days and today is 4th day started 100mg clomi 40mg tamox 1.5mg adex e3d

    really concerned about loss of sex drive or ability. question
    1. should I stop not do clomi tomorrow and do the next 7 days of hcg and stay with tamox. and if so should I add the clomi back in after the 7 days of hcg at 1000iu ed or should I just leave everything alone

    also should I add Tribulus or Tongkat Ali or both and at what amount.

    I had this all planned so many times but the more I read the more confused I get. Main thing I do not want to have sex problems. Thanks for any help

    btw I was insturcted by my clinic where I buy my aas from to do hcg at that dosage for 10 days but I know you should start pct 3 days after last prop injection.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I have heard that you should not do HCG ED for over four weeks and that if you do it can desensitize yourself and prevent the HCG from being effective and longer.

    I would take 20 mg of nolva ED with the HCG.

    If you feel the need to run HCG longer than this time period than switch to clomid therapy.

    If you are worried about sex drive then Tongkat Ali might help, but proviron will work far better.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    ya man, run proviron when u start pct. for what ive heard sex drive cannot be a problem on that stuff. good call on running the prop the last couple weeks too. smart move and i love the idea. but ur libido will return when ur pcts done if u do it correctly. dont worry.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Going to strip clubs may help as well.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by clomid222
    Going to strip clubs may help as well.
    my girl is into other girls and brings them friends home to play with us on a regular basis. so don't need a strip club but that is an exellent answer. all this happens once a week and I would shoot myself if I can't play too. thought about cruising just to avoid the pct blues

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by bigdreamz
    my girl is into other girls and brings them friends home to play with us on a regular basis. so don't need a strip club but that is an exellent answer. all this happens once a week and I would shoot myself if I can't play too. thought about cruising just to avoid the pct blues
    Lucky you. I had a bi girlfriend five years ago who was the exact same way. Those were the days! Don't take them for granted. Also, get some viagra or better yet cavajet just in case.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    i know that is why I am kinds panicking. do have cialis on have at all times. what is cavajet?

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