just came off
1-10 test cyp
1-10 deca
11-14 prop
was doing 250iu hcg ed for last 5 weeks of cycle
1.5mg adex e3d
started 1000iu hcg day after last injection for 3 days and today is 4th day started 100mg clomi 40mg tamox 1.5mg adex e3d
really concerned about loss of sex drive or ability. question
1. should I stop not do clomi tomorrow and do the next 7 days of hcg and stay with tamox. and if so should I add the clomi back in after the 7 days of hcg at 1000iu ed or should I just leave everything alone
also should I add Tribulus or Tongkat Ali or both and at what amount.
I had this all planned so many times but the more I read the more confused I get. Main thing I do not want to have sex problems. Thanks for any help
btw I was insturcted by my clinic where I buy my aas from to do hcg at that dosage for 10 days but I know you should start pct 3 days after last prop injection.