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  1. #1
    frank2738's Avatar
    frank2738 is offline Associate Member
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    hcg & nolvadex sides??

    can hcg and nolvadex cause bacne? i barely got a pimple when i did a sus and deca cycle, and now that i'm doing my pct, i can play connect the dots on my back. could it be the hot/cold weather (new york)? will tanning help?

  2. #2
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    Its fairly common for alot off ppl to experience bacne during PCT, its a result of the natural test production being triggered from stimulants like HCG . I dont know about tanning, but you can scrub your back everyday when showering with anti-bacterial soap (Dettol) .. it'll help you ride out your PCT while minimizing bacne.....yes, sweat from heat compounds the problem

  3. #3
    Pac8541's Avatar
    Pac8541 is offline Associate Member
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    I suffered the exact same thing. Came off a sust/deca cycle and went into pct with HCG and nolva. My back broke out within a week as well as my forehead. Not a single problem with it while on cycle though.

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