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Thread: PCT Help With Test-E Only Cycle

  1. #1

    Question PCT Help With Test-E Only Cycle

    I am running Test-e for 7 weeks @ 500MG per week w/Proviron @25md ED. I know that my PCT should start 14 days after my last shot, but what, how much and how long are ay PCT questions. My plan for now is Nolva: days 1-14 40MG ED then days 15-28 20MG ED. Would that be good enough since my cycle is so short or should I run some clomid along with the nolva??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    imo i would run test e for 10-12 weeks. IT is a long acting ester and may take 6 weeks to kick in. I would run l-dex @.25mg ed during cycle and nolva 20mg ed weeks 1-4 or 6 and aromasin 25mg ed for weeks 1-4 of pct

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    that cycle seems too short! By the time it kicks in you're stoping...

    I would for sure add clomid to the mix, first 2 weeks 100mg/day next 2 weeks 50mg/day. I personaly like to run 0.25mg letro a while on cycle

  4. #4


    Thanks, I was thinking about extending my cycle but now i will. So a 4 week PCT would be long enough after a 12 week cycle?? or should i extend that also to like 6 weeks?? This is my first cycle and you guys and this site have been great!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Sam's Club
    Here is what you may want to consider:

    Week 1-12: Test E @ 500 mg/ew
    Week 1-12: Proviron @ 25 mg/ed
    Not a huge need for letro or nolva during cycle if youre using proviron.

    Week 1: Nolva @ 40 mg/ed, Proviron @ 50 mg/ed
    Week 2: Nolva @ 30 mg/ed, Proviron @ 50 mg/ed
    Week 3: Nolva @ 20 mg/ed, Proviron @ 25 mg/ed
    Week 4-5: Nolva @ 10 mg/ed, Proviron @ 25 mg/ed

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

  7. #7
    Is using Proviron, Nolva and Clomid all together in PCT overkill?? If so which of the three would make the best PCT combo after my 10 week test-e cycle (also I'm taking 25mg Proviron ED while on cycle)???

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Sam's Club
    Quote Originally Posted by bgbrn729
    Is using Proviron, Nolva and Clomid all together in PCT overkill?? If so which of the three would make the best PCT combo after my 10 week test-e cycle (also I'm taking 25mg Proviron ED while on cycle)???
    No, its not overkill. All three drugs serve different purposes and will help in your recovery. The proviron will really help the sex drive and keep you happy.
    I personally, would not use clomid but others may suggest that you do.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    This is the same cycle I'm startin soon. Great info.

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