I am going to run Armidex .25mg ED from the begining of my cycle through PCT. What about the 18 day gap between my last shot and the start of PCT. Do I keep running the Armidex during this 18 day period? My gut feeling is that I would keep taking it all the way through? Also is 30 days enough PCT I have seen some run a week Day 31-37 with just Nolva and Armidex and dropping the clomid that week?

Week 1-10 Sust 500mg + .25mg Armidex ED

PCT 18th Day After Last Shot
Day 1 300mg Clomid, 20mg Nolva, .25mg Armidex ED
Day 2 to 30 100mg Clomid, 20mg Nolva, .25 mg Armidex ED
