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  1. #1
    pit_bully's Avatar
    pit_bully is offline Associate Member
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    HELP!! My PCT is garbage!! Not working!!

    What should I do? I am in my 5th week of PCT and have no libido so I dont think Im recovered yet. I believe my nuts are the right size. But Im not even sure about that now. I have read tons of PCT protocals and everyone is so different that I TRIED to come up with something in the middle of the road.

    This was my cycle

    1-12 Test-E 250mg per week
    6-14 Tren A 75mg EOD
    6-14 Winstrol 50mg EOD
    1-14 letro ED (started at .25 ED but had to increase cause gyno symptoms)
    1-14 L-dex .40 mg ED (started at .10 but had to i ncrease cause gyno symptoms.

    The letro and L-dex we're at pretty high doses from what I understand, but I needed to bump the dose up cause I was getting the gyno lumps.

    This is what I have ran for PCT. 2weeks after my last dose of test-e I started doing

    1-2 HCG at 250IU ED
    3-4 IGF 100mcg split bi-laterally
    3-5 Clomid 100mg ED
    3-5 Nolva 20mg ED
    3-5 Vita E 800IU ED
    1-2 Letro (1 week @ 1mgED 2nd week I tapered off)
    1-5 L-dex .40 ED

    I have NO libido whatsoever. I have read that when you come off letro that you must taper down so that you dont get an estrogen snap-back effect. I believe I really screwed this up by tapering from 1mg to off of it in a weeks time. I was figuring that being I was still taking the L-dex and now Nolva and Clomid that all the estrogen would be blocked out. 2 weeks later and I got no libido. BTW cialis gives me a headache (even at low doses) and dosent seem to work that good for me. Tried Viagra years ago when I had no libido problem and it didnt do anything for me either. BTW when I was on the cycle I could get off 4xED!

    I have read so many times people saying that they should attack with an "agressive PCT" What is an agressive PCT? Should I run PCT again? Should I add HCG? Should I add back in the Letro? I know Letro is supposed to kill the sex drive for some, but I had problems once I got off of it not while I was on. Im lost. I have some proviron on the way, but I wont get that for a week. And being its from a very popular english lizard that is now gone I am wondering if it will be legitimate to begin with. Any help is appreciated

  2. #2
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
    BITTAPART2 is offline Senior Member
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    the letro is probably the culprit, in fact i woul alll but gaurentee that is the cause. what I would do is run a whole new PCT. i would include HCG but at 500iu ED run nolva w/ it at 20mg ED and arimidex @ .25ED also I would definatly include proviron at 50mg ED throughout PCT for libio. stop the HCG after 1 1/2 weeks and continue running the other compounds at the same dosage, cialis wont give you libido just an erection but I would take 10mg ED of the cialis and take 2 asprin w/ it for the headaches, they should subside after a few days, at least they do for me. again I really think the letro is the main reason also the progesterone could have inhibited you pretty good.

  3. #3
    pit_bully's Avatar
    pit_bully is offline Associate Member
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    And here I thought all along that the Letro was to block progeterone as well as estrogen.

  4. #4
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
    BITTAPART2 is offline Senior Member
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    oh no doubt the letro will work, it will keep you dry as a bone and definatly help w/ controlling estrogen, progesterone personally i chose cabergalon(sp). but bro letro will keep your libido hidden very well, i wont run it again for that reason, damn pussssy could be on my nose and i wouldnt care.

  5. #5
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    I always caution people against mixing and matching protocols in whatever they do. Mixing and matching PCT isn't a great should pick one which seems the most logical and go with that.

    You wouldn't do a russian squat routine mixed with an arm specialization routine from Flex, mixed with a Westside Bench workout, right? (Just say no) It's the same with cycles and PCT...

  6. #6
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    ^^Agree with the above post.

    You're trying too hard and coming at your PCT with too many angles...I can see it less good and more harm.


  7. #7
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
    BITTAPART2 is offline Senior Member
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    anywhere my son lives
    bump for anthony roberts PCT

  8. #8
    Ufa's Avatar
    Ufa is offline Anabolic Member
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    Last edited by Ufa; 12-22-2006 at 03:33 PM.

  9. #9
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Mar 2004
    letro and adex? is that ok to do? letro is so strong adex benfits will be over shadowed

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