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  1. #1
    kynetguy's Avatar
    kynetguy is offline Senior Member
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    PCT Check for 1st Cycle

    Wrapping up the prep and research for a first cycle. Would like a check on the PCT. Note the use of HCG and Arimidex while on cycle.

    16 - 17%
    Good diet, still tightening it up a tad.
    35 y/o

    Goals: Lean mass, low water retention. 10-15lbs after PCT

    Med History: last blood work about 6 weeks ago now was on point. BP was 136/78. . .and is usually there and has been for about 8 years. Lipids, good. Thyroid and liver function good. Nat. Test was in the lower 1/3 range of acceptable. No allergies, no baldness on moms side.

    Will get another lab done 1 week before start to use as a baseline and one 1 week after PCT to compare.

    Week 1-12 Test Prop 75mg ED
    Week 5-12 Anavar 80mg ED
    Week 1-12 Arimidex .25mg ED
    Week 1-12 HCG 500iu E 5 Days

    Week 1-4 Aromasin 20mg ED
    Week 1-4 Clomid 50mg ED
    Week 1-2 Nolva 40mg ED
    Week 3-4 Nolva 20mg ED

    Before anyone chimes in on BF being over 15%, I am working on it. I wont actually start this cycle until Jan/Feb. I will be under 15% before I start.

  2. #2
    jdavis2007's Avatar
    jdavis2007 is offline Associate Member
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    I like the hcg every 5 days...solid...I like the 40mg nolva/d...but if this is your first cycle don't you think 80mg/d var is a bit much? Are you trying to blow your load on the first cycle? I'm not being critical...I just know a lot of guys that make consistant gains of 35mg/d var plus test and another androgen. I would also be concerned about possibly causing injury with such a strength gain off that much var per day. Just my .2c...but I would bump up the clomid to 300mg/d for wk1 PCT, 200mg/d wk2, 100mg/d wk3, and 50mg/d for a few weeks after that. Since your test is already low, you are going to want to do everything in your power to keep it up as high as possible while 'off'. This will keep you from being sluggish/depressed, etc. I would throw in 2 doses/d of ZMA while 'on' as athletes tend to need more zinc while using steroids ...hope this looks like you have been doing your research...!

  3. #3
    kynetguy's Avatar
    kynetguy is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdavis2007
    I like the hcg every 5 days...solid...
    I consider it cheap testicular insurance. And it should shorten my time to recovery in PCT. If I can help keep the boys somewhat normal on, then they will be back good as ever off.

    Quote Originally Posted by jdavis2007
    Ibut if this is your first cycle don't you think 80mg/d var is a bit much? Are you trying to blow your load on the first cycle? I'm not being critical...I just know a lot of guys that make consistant gains of 35mg/d var plus test and another androgen. I would also be concerned about possibly causing injury with such a strength gain off that much var per day.
    That has been a highly debated subject. Most people say that under 60/d is useless. Then others say differently. Most seem to recomend 80-100/day, so I conservatively planned for less. As far as the "other androgen" well, I don't have another in the plan. Just Test and var.

    I considered 40 or 60, but if I didnt see results, I didnt want to up it in week like week 9 (4 weeks into the Var). I wasn't overly concerned about teh Var since it doesn't aromatize.

    I am open to more suggestions on this.

    I am just trying to explode into a white Ron Coleman in like a week. . .

    Quote Originally Posted by jdavis2007
    but I would bump up the clomid to 300mg/d for wk1 PCT, 200mg/d wk2, 100mg/d wk3, and 50mg/d for a few weeks after that. Since your test is already low, you are going to want to do everything in your power to keep it up as high as possible while 'off'. This will keep you from being sluggish/depressed, etc.
    Depression, yes definately want to avoid bitch syndrome. My wife would be highly disapointed if I broke down in tears watching South Park and seeing Kenny die. . LOL

    Do you think that much clomid will be needed since I am running an AI while on, taking HCG (last inject will be 3rd day of my last week of the cycle) while on as well. And in PCT I have 2 SERMs and 1 AI going? The prop should effectively be gone in about 3-4 days after last inject? Anthony ROberts PCT doesnt even include Clomid. I was also wanting to avoid the sides of high levels of Clomid.

    Quote Originally Posted by jdavis2007
    I would throw in 2 doses/d of ZMA while 'on' as athletes tend to need more zinc while using steroids...hope this looks like you have been doing your research...!
    ZMA, thats solid. I will have to give that a look.

    As far as being critical, if I wasn't looking for criticism, I would have run it as is without any input.

  4. #4
    jdavis2007's Avatar
    jdavis2007 is offline Associate Member
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    it's really up to you on the var...I've read a study where it said 80mg/d of var is about the highest you should go as anything over that the results weren't as substantive. But yeah...40mg/d for most people is probably where you will need to start...and if the high dose of var is too much you can always back down a's your body and you know it better than anyone. The clomid at that high a dose may be a little troublesome for some so if you feel like your balls are droppin' nicely then stay with the 50mg/ looks like you have done plenty of research...good luck...!

  5. #5
    jdavis2007's Avatar
    jdavis2007 is offline Associate Member
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    Oh far as Robertson...he never gets completely off steroids ...I'm recommending high clomid because you will probably want to get off eventually and have some resemblance of testosterone in your body. Robertson has forgotten more than I know but I think that studies vs. the real world don't always stack up. Also, what works for him might not work for me and vice versa...overall I think you've got it down pretty well...I definitely think you should include 2 doses (1 dose before workouts on an empty stomach/1 dose before bed on an empty stomach) while being on and then just go to 1 dose when you are off. Your body will thank you for the extra zinc while on. Hope some of this helps...

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