Originally Posted by
The feedback on MYOGEN has been very positive so far. It is clear that the product does raise test levels in the subjects, on this board at least. With that in mind, for someone doing a cycle, what is the best use of Myogen? Should it be used during the cycle to prevent testicular shrinkage or shoud it be used during PCT.
I have seen a lot of logs with people using it for PCT and the results are pretty good. However, if one were to use it during a cycle, would the product still work to some extent or would it have no effect on natural test productuion because there would be so many androgens in the body? I am talking a standard cycle of maybe 600 mg test per week or 75 mg TrenAce EOD with a bit of Test...
Or would it be best to use some during the cycle to prevent full shutdown and then increase the dose for PCT? If one were to use it that long, can we expect desensitization?
Finally, Anthony, what would be the ideal PCT incorporating Myogen. Should we just use your suggested PCT regimen on your web site and simply add Myogen or should one adjust the AI dose when Myogen is thrown into the mix.
Thanks a lot btw to AR for being so kind to answer all questions and provide such objective feedback on this product. I know some of these questions can only be answered via speculation at this stage but obviously the developer of the product would be the best individual to make such speculation.
Finally a request to Protein Factory: Since people have such good experiences with this product, why don;t you guys make a smaller package available. I am talking a $9.99 sachet with 15 pills or something so that when guys order some protein from your site, they can just throw this in. This would drive trial through the roof; I am sure most people here who haven't forked out the cash yet would gladly do so if they could give it a shot at $10... just an idea