I’ve been researching on this website for about 8 months now. After the first 3 months (and enough research to at least build up the nerve) I finally decided to do my first cycle at the young age of 30. I’ve been lifting since I was about 15 consistent till 18 due to high school weight training classes and football. Then, I didn’t pick up a weight again until I was 23, wow too busy partying I guess. I’ve been off and on since, but pretty consistent again for the last 2 years. I was ready for a boost and it wasn’t coming from Cell-Tech anymore…..
Stats: 5’11
Start weight 188lbs BF ??
Chest 41
Waist 33
1st Cycle:
8 weeks test-e 600mg/wk
I didn’t start seeing results or feeling really strong until week 6 (should of frontloaded I guess) so I decided so bump up the dose and extend the cycle. I feel it was def worth it
8-12 900mg/wk
9-14 WinZtrol 200mg ED next time I’ll try the really thing, but I am noticing this working
Cost $***.**
I’m currently in week 11 and weight is 202lbs BF 14% and I feel strong like BULL
Planned PCT:
2 weeks after last inj. & 24 hrs after WinZtrol:
Wk 1-2:
40 mg Nolva ED
.50mg L-dex ED
EstroBlock 4 caps ED (newbie mistake bought before reseached)
Wk 3-4:
20 mg Nolva
.25 mg L-dex
EstroBlock 3 caps ED
Wk 1-4:
Retain 3 caps ed… would this be a waist?
Cost $***.**
End weight:???
Net weight gain: I hope at least 15 lbs
Does this PCT look good to everybody??
I just wanted to say thanks to all on this site that have helped contribute all the useful and needed info to help all us newbie’s. I was able to finally get my diet in check which has never happened (still a work in progress). I felt comfortable with my decision and had weighed all the pros and cons at hand. I knew how to handle all sides if they accrued… which besides very little acne and increased aggression, all is well. It has been a great experience so far, but without the help of this site I don’t think I would have ever tried AAS at all. I hope one day to be able to contribute and help someone else. Until then I’m a sponge!
Thinking about next Cutting Cycle. Prolly 16 weeks after PCT?? Time on, time off, right?