Originally Posted by
k, for starters, toss the dbol in the pct. even at a low dose like that, it will still supress your bodies own natural test production. you need to be off everything and have had all of it leave your system before you can consider yourself having begun pct. where did you get the idea to do dbol in pct?
next, why are you only doing the clen during the first and last week of pct? if you're using it for it's anti-catabolic properties (which have yet to even be confirmed in studies from what i've seen), you should be using it through the whole pct.
as far as dostinex, to be honest i don't know anything about it. i've heard about it, but don't know about it at all, so can't help you there.
your pct seems a bit off track there from the norm. you might want to look in the pct section here at the stickies for some good advice on pct. a typical pct would be something more like:
first week prior to pct, then into week 1 of pct - HCG @ 250-500iu/day
weeks 1-6 nolvadex @ 20mg/day
weeks 1-6 clomid @ 100mg/day
then, if you want to add some extra stuff in to try and be safe, you can add in your clen at a moderate dose throughout the entire pct. there is also studies that have shown Vit E @ about 1000iu/day may help HCG's effectiveness dramatically. you can find out more info about that in the pct section here in the sticky made by anthony roberts.
everyone has their own methods behind the use of certain compounds for pct and why their idea works better than others. personally, i find this pct to work quite well in getting me back to normal.
also as others have already stated, your cycle looks insane there man. you'll be risking the potential for some serious sides, the one i'm most concerned with being you'll innevitably raise your bp quite a bit. do you really think that much is necessary, cause it just seems like overkill IMO. i think your receptors would be saturated with far less and that most of the stuff will just be floating around in your system without any receptors to even utilize it. i know pro's who use far less than what you're thinking about taking.