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Here is my proposed cycle, already been through the steroids forum:
Proposed Cycle:
Weeks 1-6 Prop @ 75mg ED
1-4 DBol @ 30mg ED
1-6 L-Dex @ .25mg ED
1-9 Tribulus @ 4g ED
PCT (3 day's after last prop injection- for 3 weeks):
Clomid 1-11 @ 100, 12-21 @ 50
Nolva 1-14 @40, 15-28 @ 20
Weeks 1-9
Hawthorne Berry Extract
No-Flush Niacin
Milk Thistle Extract
What I am most confused about and getting different opinions on is the use of an AI/Serm during the cycle. I planned on including L-Dex during the cycle (as shown above), and then use clomid/nolva during the PCT. However, many seemed to recommend not using anything during the cycle unless it is needed as it may hinder gains. They were also split on using l-dex or nolva if it was needed during cycle.
My questions are:
1. Would it be best to not use anything during the cycle unless I feel it is needed? That is one way of doing it. The risk is yours to evaluate, personally I would always run a-dex at 0.25mg ED. What would you rather have ? Slightly bigger muscles or a nice pair of titties ? Your choice
2. Am I going to know for certain if all of a sudden I should be using one of these during the cycle (ie. will I definitely feel puffy nipples and/or other symptoms? You certainly will, your nipples will be tingly, or sore to the touch or you may even feel small lumps behind your nipples
3. If I do take this route, should I be using nolva or l-dex for this immediate gyno treatment? If you get sypmtoms L-dex is by far the better option. Letro is the final treatment but that is over kill for running during a cycle
4. Would it be best to do just what I proposed orinally and use l-dex during the entire cycle and nolva/clomid for PCT?
Absolutely IMO
Thanks for the help.