Thread: Test e + winny pct
02-19-2007, 06:30 PM #1
Test e + winny pct
Currently i am 6'1 200 pounds aruond 12% bf and this gonna be my first cycle. i am looking to run this:
week 1-8 500mg test e /week
week 4-8 50mg winny/ every other day
I have been reading up on the PCT and i am totally confused... can anyone give me some info on PCT for this type of cycle?
02-19-2007, 06:46 PM #2
imo running Test e 8 weeks is a waste, it is a long ester run it 12 weeks to get the best bang for the buck. Here is how I run run everything.
1-12 test test e 500mg shot twice a week
8-14 winny 50mg orals ed
pct - 24hrs after last winny taken
day1-30 100mg clomid ed
day1-60 20mg nolva ed
02-19-2007, 08:01 PM #3
day1-15 100mg clomid, day 16-30 50 mgs clomid
02-20-2007, 02:34 AM #4
instead of winy
after doing a little more research, instead of winny i was thinkin about getting some masteron . the reason for this is that i am an athlete and heard that winny is not so good for athletes. so i was thinking of setting my cycle up this way:
week 1-12 test e 250mg twice a week
week 7-12 masteron 100mg eod
day1-15 100mg clomid, day 16-30 50 mgs clomid
would that be straight? or should i get an anti e as well? and is the anti e taken during cycle or only afterwards?Last edited by siimjim13; 02-20-2007 at 02:43 AM.
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