I'm getting ready to run Max LMG and Prostanozol, and I ran it before it I didn't PCT (didnt know what i was doing) and it shattered my libido. So I want to run Adex or Letro throughout and run Nolva and Clomid for PCT. what do yall think?
I'm getting ready to run Max LMG and Prostanozol, and I ran it before it I didn't PCT (didnt know what i was doing) and it shattered my libido. So I want to run Adex or Letro throughout and run Nolva and Clomid for PCT. what do yall think?
Yes you should do PCT. No, you shouldn't do that PCT. There's no point in running nolva and clomid together. They work in the same way, and there's no medical studies that support any kind of synergy between them. Really, in my humble opinion, there's no reason to take any of the prohormones, as in most cases, "real" steroids are much more effective. Combine that with the fact that prohormones are also technically illegal, and it makes it a pretty obvious choice.
My friend ran 1-AD and he spend 300 bucks on 2month supply, he could have got a nice cycle for that. He put on some mass and strength but can't even get it up now, he's only running Nolva at 20mg ed for PCT. IMO prohormones are retarted, because if your going to do something illegal you might as well do something worth it. But they did work for him.
max and prostan are legalOriginally Posted by dhriscerr
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