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its the letro. killed my sex drive at 4 days. gone. but that doesnt mean its not raising your test. remmeber, estrogen is needed in sex drive, just a little, but letro knocks it out totally. However this is good cuz the feedback loop is highly sensitive to estrogen and the lower it reads estrogen the higher it will try to spike test so there is enough test to convert to estrogen, you see? So see your lack of sex drive as a good thing cuz letro is workin. IMO letro will work regardless of nolva interfering with plasma blood levels, cuz letro is so strong that it could work on a fraction of a dose anyway.
Keep in mind after letro you mind have a rebound of estrogen since it supresses it so strong, so i would run nolva for another 2-4 weeks after.
Nolva doesnt affect my sex drive, but kills my brothers. But sex drive during pct is not indictive of PCT effectivenes. See how you feel after all drugs are out of your system. And yess, you may want to run HCG again, for a few weeks at say 500iu a day but it should be a 8 weeks after your last run with it to avoid desensitation of the testicales to LH. Running HCG with nolva and 1000iu of vit E should also stop this from happening, but a low dose of HCG prpbably wont desensitize you anyway.
Anyway, agian, see how ya feel when all drugs are out of you.
Till then, jump on some viagra or cialis.....or be a real man and eat your girls pussy and toss her salad.