running test e for 8 weeks 500mg per week
first few weeks running omerden 250 500mgs per week running this instead of test e .

running armidex to keep bloat away . only have 28 , 1mg tabs how would u run them???

doing one shot of hcg week 6 what dose would u advise only have 1 amp 1500iu , dont want to store in fridge incase someone sees it.

should pct be

nolva/clomid and proviron
what dosege is best , really want to keep my gains long term, as this is my last cycle ever.

our long after test e shot does pct start? is it 2 weeks or 3 weeks

also i have 3 amps of winny no it wont make any different taking them but just wondered if i could take these start of cycle instead of towards the end?